Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'Americans Are Still Inviting People to Church' And More

Americans Are Still Inviting People to Church
Young, evangelical, and African American churchgoers ask the most.

Here’s HELP for navigating a ‘purple’ church in an election year
In every election year, pastors face the reality of political conflict and tension in their congregations. This year is that and more.

7 Tips for Keeping Cool in Hot Times
How do we stay cool in hot times? How do we keep the lines of communication open when we honestly disagree with each other?

2 Very Different Ways of Reading People We Disagree With
Which approach do we take when we read someone who differs with us, or is from outside our “camp” or “group”?

10 Current Challenges to Christian Worship
This article was originally posted on Reformed Worship, titled "Detterman's Top Ten List." I have provided links to both versions, the one on Church Leaders and the one on Reformed Worship. I definitely recommend that you read it.

Jonathan Edwards and the Spiritual Benefits of Church Music
Christianity has always been a singing faith and music plays a big role in the life of the church. But church music is also controversial. Some people leave a church because of music, while others join a church because of music. Some churches split because of music, and others make a lot of money from their music. Jonathan Edwards, a pastor-theologian from 300 years ago, can help us step away from the politics of church music for a bit to consider the theology of church music.

Five Reasons Your Worship Music May Not Be Clicking
Church Answers does two major types of evaluation of music in church worship services. The first approach uses a secret guest to get their first impressions. In the second approach, Church Answers uses a trained and highly competent church musician to evaluate the music from both a philosophical and technical aspect. Sam and Thom look at five common issues in these technical evaluations.

7 Summer Faith Builders for Families to Try Together
Here are 7 faith builders tailor-made for families to use as summer family activities.

Why Nursery Ministry Is Not Babysitting
I want to give a big shout out to the people who serve in the nursery. Nursery ministry is not babysitting. I believe it is ministry at the most critical time in a person’s life. Babies can learn about God. In fact, infants and toddlers learn more during those early years than at any other time in life.

How Do Short-Term Mission Trips Impact Local Churches?
While we know short-term mission trips impact individuals, what about the impact these trips have on the local churches sending these teams?

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Keys To Reaching the Unchurched' And More

Keys To Reaching the Unchurched
Outreach Magazine conducted a study of formerly unchurched Americans. What made them come to a church? What made them stay? The answers to these questions gave us insight into the mind of an unchurched person and gave us guidance in reaching the unchurched more effectively.

Why Mid-Size Churches Have a Growing Advantage in Reaching People
A time existed when both Thom and Sam wondered if the mid-size church would dwindle as people transferred into megachurches and planted new churches. Today, mid-size churches have distinct advantages. The co-hosts cover several reasons why mid-size churches have new opportunities to thrive.

Why We Must Rethink the Smaller Church, Part 1: The New Norm
While most people would consider a church with an average worship attendance of 50 to be small, those churches are larger than 50% of churches in America. In this three-part series, Thom and Jess discuss the implications of these developments. In this first of three podcasts, they discuss the reality of this new landscape.

Why We Must Rethink the Smaller Church, Part 2: The New Structure
While most people would consider a church with an average worship attendance of 50 to be small, those churches are larger than 50% of churches in America. In this three-part series, Thom and Jess discuss the implications of these developments. In this second of three podcasts, they discuss how we should consider structuring smaller churches today.

Why We Must Rethink the Smaller Church, Part 3: The New Opportunity
While most people would consider a church with an average worship attendance of 50 to be small, those churches are larger than 50% of churches in America. In this three-part series, Thom and Jess discuss the implications of these developments. In this third of three podcasts, they show how smaller churches have more opportunities than ever.

You’re Limiting Your Team’s Potential Without Realizing It
Have you ever caught yourself labeling someone on your team? You know, those little mental shortcuts we take to categorize people: “He’s the lazy one,” “She’s the creative type,” “They’ll never get it right.” It’s a natural human tendency. Our brains love to simplify and categorize. It helps us make sense of the world around us. But here’s the kicker: When we mislabel people, we inadvertently limit their future.

What Is Lectio Divina?
Peanut butter and jelly. Bacon and eggs. A pencil and paper. Salt and pepper. Some things are meant to be together. More than that, it is hard to imagine one without the other. I would suggest that, for Christians, one of these pairings is reading your Bible and praying. It’s a pairing practiced by Christians since the ancient days, called “Lectio Divina.”

8 Keys To ‘Next Level’ Sunday Worship
I love leading God’s people in worship. I have been blessed to have led church worship teams at home and around the world for over thirty years. Here are a few things that I have learned along the way.

The immense value of encouragement
Sometimes the right words, said at the right time, can change someone’s life. Encouragement has the power to really make a difference to people, yet it is a rarer thing than it should be.

What’s More Important Than Years of Sermons?
Many of us think of evangelism or disciple-making as some special activity that we do. But when Jesus gave the Great Commission in Matthew, what he said was, “As you are going, make disciples.” In English, we translate it as “Go,” like it’s a command—“Start going”—but the Greek can also mean, “As you are already going …” The implication is that life already has us going to lots of different places—and as we go, we make disciples. We pursue normal life with gospel intentionality.

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, July 25, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows.

Among the means of grace, the ways God invigorates and strengthens the faith of those who are believers and awakens and arouses the faith of those who are not yet believers are times of worship like this one. Join in the songs as you are able, Read the prayers, the Scripture reading, the message, and the affirmation of faith aloud, pausing after the Scripture reading and the message to reflect on what you have read. Pray the prayers from the heart. Take your time. There is no need to rush. If more than one person is present, divide the reading of the Scripture, the message, and the prayers between yourselves. With the exception of the introduction, the title of each part of the service, and the links to the videos, what is printed in bold is for everyone to say or sing. What is printed in italics are directions.

In this evening’s message unpacks the Scripture reading and considers its implications for us.

Reading: Luke 9: 46-56.

Message: Works in Progress


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing a lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows the lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Thursday Evenings at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'The Church's Midlife Crisis' And More

The Church's Midlife Crisis
Is your church having a bit of a midlife crisis? Is your church in the middle of a "What am I doing with my life?" existential dread? There is a minivan in my neighborhood with a bumper sticker that reads, "I'm not lost, I'm exploring." I suspect many of our churches would like to claim the same: kind of lost, not quite sure where we're going, and either in denial or completely oblivious.

6 Opportunities for Churches with Aging Memberships
Research undertaken by the Lewis Center’s Religious Workforce Project confirms that the over-representation of older people in churches has become more pronounced. Lovett Weems unpacks factors related to this trend and identifies six ways a church can respond to an aging membership base.

How Do Growing Churches Reach Young Families?
There are good examples of growing churches reaching young families. What are they doing differently than others? Thom and Sam answer this question. There is more to this issue than being a large church in a growing suburb. Churches reaching young families come in a variety of sizes and locations.

Five Ways to Make an Aging Congregation Younger
It is one of the top three requests for help we get at Church Answers: “Our church membership continues to get older. What do we do?” Is there a solution to this challenge? Based upon some great insights from church leaders, I do indeed see how God is working to move the aging church forward. Here are the five most common responses we have gotten at Church Answers....

How Senior Adult Churches Can Reach Young Families
An older church is not a lost cause! Josh and Sam discuss how a church filled with senior adults can make the transition and reach young families. A church of predominantly senior adults has unique challenges but also opportunities. These congregations can get younger, and the cohosts discuss some ways this shift to occur.

8 Changes in Young People I’ve Seen Over 25 years
I’m in my 26th year of seminary teaching, so I’ve been working with young people for many years. Over the years, my sense is that this generation has changed. Here are some changes I’ve seen....

Transitioning a Senior Adult Church to One Who Reaches all Generations
We discuss a recent post on senior adult churches who are wanting to reach a younger generation and the consequences of not being willing to change to do so.

Do You Really Know the Community Around Your Church? Four Often-Missed Demographics
Your church address is not an accident. God sovereignly placed your church in its location to reach the people around you. Do you know them? Jesus’ Great Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40) gives clear instructions: Love your neighbor. Knowing your neighbor is the first step to loving your neighbor. Do you really know your neighbors? Church leaders often miss four basic demographics. I’ll use my community in Bradenton, Florida as an example.

Watch Out for These Lies the Devil Says About God’s Word
If I were the devil, I would do everything in my power to keep you from the Word of God. I would say anything I could think of, anything I thought you would believe, anything that works, to get you to read other things. As Paul said, “We are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11). We know how he works. And here are some of the lies we have noticed pouring out of his factory, all geared toward destroying confidence in God’s Word.
John Wesley, an Anglican priest, a leading figure in the eighteenth century Evangelical Revival, and founder of the Methodist movement, considered "searching the Scriptures," reading, studying, and meditating upon the Scriptures, as one of the primary means of grace which God has ordained and through which God arouses and strengthens our faith and transforms our lives. He not only urged the early Methodists to search the Scriptures but also practiced what he preached. He always rose early and devoted the early morning hours to searching the Scriptures and prayer.
Maybe We Make Meditation Too Difficult
Of all the Christian disciplines, it is my guess that meditation may be the least practiced—though I suppose fasting might have something to say about that. Most people diligently make time to read the Bible and pray. And yet, while most people have good intentions when it comes to meditation, it so often seems to get displaced. After all, life is busy, the world is noisy, and meditation is a challenge. But I wonder if part of the problem is that we have made meditation too difficult. I wonder if we’ve made it a little too abstract, a little too inactive, and perhaps a little too solitary.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: '5 Ways to Overcome Summer Stagnation' And More

5 Ways to Overcome Summer Stagnation
The idea that summer has to be a time when the church stops ministry is the wrong mindset. Let summer be a time of shifting from stagnation to rejuvenation by planning now for the rest of the year ahead. So, here are five ways the church can overcome summer stagnation.

Does a New Mover Ministry Really Work? An Early Analysis
How effective are new mover ministries, particularly those where a card is mailed to every new mover in a specified area? Thom and Sam look at some early results they gleaned.

In small-town Illinois, a little church says goodbye
Ryan Burge, pastor and sociologist, has documented church decline for years. This Sunday, after 150 years, his own church held its final service.

What JD Vance and Harrison Butker have in common
The most disturbing truth we’re learning this week about Republican Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance isn’t his demonization of the poor in Appalachia, his words about staying in abusive marriages for the sake of the kids, his claim that becoming pregnant through rape is an inconvenience, or even his reversal from comparing Trump with Hitler to becoming his running mate. It’s about the one thing you’re not supposed to criticize, and the one thing that holds all of those other claims together — his religious faith.
Related article: Catholic Christian nationalism is having a moment
A Five-Finger Church Communication Strategy
Effective communication is a challenge for many church leaders. Do you need a new approach to punch up your church communication strategy?

10 Ways to Use Social Media To Connect With Parents
We live in a digital, social media driven culture. Children’s ministries have a great opportunity to incorporate social media into their ministry strategy. With that basic understanding, let’s explore some ways we can use social media to connect with parents.

Sharing the Gospel With Kids: Keep the Message of Jesus Simple
Sometimes we, or the people in our programs, simply don’t know the best approach for how to share the gospel with kids. Other times, people feel overwhelmed or intimidated. Evangelism takes practice, but these three tips make it easier.

You and Your Church
The church is the hope of the world. According to Jesus, who said He came to establish the church, it was intended to be something so filled with energy that not even hell itself could withstand its onslaught. The idea is that Christ followers are called to be the light of the world. As our collective light is brought together through the church, it should gain intensity the way focused light becomes a laser beam. So what’s wrong?

The Need for Advanced Discipleship
Advanced discipleship training serves the most underserved people in the church: people who reach a midway point in their maturity but don’t get to “the other side.” This problem is actually predictable, because, by trying to communicate to a congregation with a wide range of spiritual growth, there is a tendency for leaders to aim for the middle. So that’s where their people end up!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday's Catch: Beware of local cults" And More

Darnel, or Cockle, the Tares of the Parable

Beware of local cults
Cults (and much like religion too), latch onto human vulnerabilities and hopes. They offer community. They promise hope, security, or that thing which are affections are wanting to be met. We shouldn’t be surprised by such groups. Jesus warns about errant and self-seeking groups will come about to confuse and steal and destroy peoples lives.

9 Practical Ways To Increase Generosity In Your Church
Giving financially to Kingdom work is a profound and deeply personal process for each person in your church.From every leader, it requires artful and prayerful leadership to inspire a congregation to give consistently and generously out of a love for God.

How Pastors Can Encourage Others to Consider Vocational Ministry
Why are fewer people today answering the call to vocational ministry, and what can pastors do to curb this trend?

Unity Is Not the Same as Total Agreement
An extreme view of Christian unity is found among those who will work together only with those with whom they agree on everything—doctrinal and practical. They often divide over styles of worship, political and social issues, modes of child discipline and education, church organization and administration, the use of social media, eschatological views, and so on. As you will notice, these are all non-gospel issues. Granted, our level of interchurch cooperation does depend on how united we are over matters of doctrine and practice, but there should still be some level of cooperation where it is evident that we stand for the same gospel. Refusing all cooperation with fellow believers is surely wrong. If such division were allowed, the New Testament church would have long split between Jews and Gentiles, because in those early days that was what largely threatened church unity.
Adherents of this particular view of Christian unity are endemic on social media on the internet.
5 Tips on Handling Angry People
A Simple and Quick Checklist Before Preaching Every SermonScott Thomas offers 5 tips on how to handle angry people.

A Simple and Quick Checklist Before Preaching Every Sermon
very preacher prepares differently. You likely already have a personal method of sermon preparation or will create one as you develop and gain more experience. This checklist is not meant to be a comprehensive guide, but I hope you find it useful in the sermon writing process.

How to Build Prayer Into a Worship Service
Jesus strongly reminded us that God’s house is to be a house of prayer (Luke 19:45-46). Getting there means building prayer into the DNA of a congregation, so every church should consider how to build prayer into a worship service.
Even the worship services of liturgical churches which use a liturgy that contains set prayers (Collect of the Day, the Prayers of the People, or General Intercessions, the Lord's Prayer, etc.) could be made more prayerful. A churh's worship services are a means of grace as are cogregational singing the reading of Scripture, sermons, silent reflection on the Scripture readings and the sermon, and public and private prayer. We shortchange a congregation when we reduce the worship service to three songs performed by a worship bad and a sermon with maybe one short prayer at one point in the service.
All Together Sunday School (Book 1) - When You Have Kids of All Ages in One Room
All Together Sunday School lessons for ages 4-12 work any time you have kids of all ages in one room. You get 13 weeks of fun and effective lessons—each focusing on one key Bible verse, making it simple for kids to remember and easy for anyone to teach. Plus, they’re easy to pick up and teach because they have simple supplies and digital copies.

Preschool Bible Craft + Rhyme Game: Whoo Loves You?
Whoo loves you? This preschool-age appropriate Bible craft project is a creative way to teach your children’s ministry students the answer to this great question.

What is the Great Commission and why is it important?
Many Christians refer to the Great Commission, but what does it mean? This is the story....
In North America, in the United States and Canada, many churches have lost sight of what is the chief task that Jesus assigned to his disciples before he asceded ito heaven. It is a task which every generatio of his disciples is expected to undertake until his return.
Special Feature: Religion, Politics, and the Rise of Authoritaranism in America

Trump Prophets Are in a Frenzy After the Assassination Attempt The narrowly avoided assassination of former President Donald Trump led more than a few Republicans to credit divine intervention for his survival. But a particular group of hard-line, evangelical Christians has gone even further, seeing the episode itself as a part of modern prophecy.
In the last century the late David Watson, a Brtish charismatic leader and an Angican pastor, warned Anglicas and other Christians about a particular development in the Pentecostal-charismatic movement. This development was to give more weight to personal special revelations than to the Bible. David Watson urged Anglicans and other Christians to test all such revelations against the teaching of the Bible. The Bible itself warns against false prophets and false prophecies and stresses that the prophetic utterances of those claiming the gift of prophesy are subject to those uttering them.The Bible has nothing good to say about the false prophets who deceived and misled the people of Israel. 
A big question about experience': Red flag raised over Vance's ability to serve as VP
Reacting to a report from Politico that pointed out big holes in Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance's resume when it comes to dealing with how the government functions, former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele expressed surprise the GOP approved of Donald Trump's running mate.
Related article: Ethnic stereotype left Trump convinced Biden would never drop out: analysis
The theology behind the Christian nationalist view on immigration
As America has grown more diverse, tolerance for that diversity has waned among those who believe white Christians should be in charge.
The Christian nationalist view of immigration and immigrants conflicts with Jesus' teaching, "I was a stranger and you welcomed me..." (Matthew 25:35).
RNC official blames 'hateful, antisemitic people' for response to Sikh prayer
“The Republican party is not a church.” Attorney and conservative political activist Harmeet Dhillon isn’t mincing words over criticism of her Sikh prayer at the conclusion of the first night of last week’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Now there’s an effort to put a specific ‘American’ Bible in classrooms
Republican officials, partnered with the Aitken Bible Historical Foundation and the First American Bible Project, are lobbying to have editions of the Aitken Bible provided for use in public school classrooms. The initiative has been especially popular in Tennessee, but already has provided about 2,500 Bibles to 750 public schools across 11 states.

Guilty: Is Trumpism a Movement or a Cult?
MAGA is not a movement. A movement is based on ideas. Trumpism is less durable—but it can still do plenty of damage.
A second Trump presidency will not only do a great deal of harm to US democracy but it also wiill have a serious detrimental effect on Christianity in the United States. While Trump is adept at exploiting the religious beliefs of others for his own advantage, he displays no discernible evidence of true repentance, a living faith and a transformed life, what sets the regenerate apart from the unregenerate. Regeneration produces more than a subtle change in a sinner. It produces a total change in a sinner's attitudes, ways of thinking, and behavior.
On the other hand, Trump does display an uncanny, almost supernatural, ability to appeal to people's fears and prejudices, bring out the worst in them. and to attract to his orbit those hungry for power and position.

Image Credit: The Species Recovery Trust 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, July 21, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows.

You may have heard a church building described as “the house of God.” You may have described your own church building as “the house of God.” But “the house of God” is not a building at all, not a structure made from wood, stone, or brick. It is the people who gather in that building on Sundays and at other times. They are “the house of God.”

In this Sunday’s message we take a look at what this is all about.

Readings: Jeremiah 23:1-6, Ephesians 2: 11-22, and Mark 6: 30-34; 53-56

Message: “God Is Building a House….”


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing each lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows each lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Saturday Lagniappe: 'No Excuses: Spark Your Church to Live on Mission' And More

Want to ignite those you lead with a fire for the Gospel? First embrace this simple truth: It starts with you.

The Vital Connection between Sincere Love and Hospitality in the Church
Hospitality is vital to the life of the church. How we treat someone, whether they’re a visitor or longtime member, may affect their involvement within a church. It may also impact their decision to continue attending a church.

Shepherding Churches Through National Crises
On Saturday afternoon, after an assassin attempted and failed to kill former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump, the thought went through my mind again. How should I as a pastor address this topic (or a topic like it) with members of my church? When events as seismic as 9/11 or the pandemic occur, should I change what I planned to preach? Should we dedicate a portion of our service to praying for this situation? How do we determine which current events are worthy of extended or special consideration in the assembly of the local church?

“Moses, Pyramids, and Leadership After Empire” featuring Kathleen McShane and Elan Babchuck
How can an innovative exploration of Moses’ biblical narrative offer a more generous leadership model for today’s religious leaders? In this episode, Kathleen McShane and Elan Babchuck, authors of Picking Up the Pieces: Leadership After Empire, ask how God is calling you to a leadership model in which power is shared so that power multiplies, and people are connected to God and each other.

Why Should You Keep Reading?
Become part of a new season of reading, of bringing positive change through words and stories and understanding the importance of reading.

Affordable housing in God’s backyard: Some religious congregations find a new use for their space
Many houses of worship no longer need as much space as they once did, or struggle to keep up with the bills. For some, redevelopment to include housing provides a new way to live out their mission.

Special Feature: Religion, Politics, and the Rise of Authoritarianism in America

Franklin Graham is the poster child for Christian nationalism — and he’s a liar
To understand the insidious nature of Christian nationalism, look no further than Franklin Graham’s appearance at the Republican National Convention last night. Graham already has demonstrated he knows no shame in endorsing, blessing and lionizing the most corrupt president in American history, yet people continue to send his nonprofits millions of dollars, enriching him as one of our most highly paid partisan preachers. 
Related article: Trump’s evangelical base believes God spared him from an assassin’s bullet for a purpose
Conservatives balk at Sikh prayer, but diverse religious voices are a convention tradition
Monday wasn’t even the first time Harmeet Kaur Dhillon has offered a Sikh prayer at an RNC gathering, nor was she the first to do so.

America’s far right is learning from India’s Hindu nationalists
American progressives must join with Indian opposition.
Related article: As Usha Vance dazzles, Hindu Americans leaning further right than ever
'None of this is in any way conservative': Republicans grumble about MAGA takeover of party
This week's Republican National Convention (RNC) suggests the transition of the Republican Party from the party of Ronald Reagan to the party of Donald Trump is officially complete. And some Republicans are bemoaning the GOP's MAGA makeover.

'He's not going to be constrained': Bush's AG issues urgent warning
Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is worried about what will happen to the rule of law if former President Donald Trump is given a second term. Gonzales, who led the Justice department under former President George W. Bush and supported Trump's federal criminal indictment, told Politico during a lengthy interview what he thinks of the controversial Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

Watch a CNN fact checker parse “so many” lies in Trump’s “remarkably dishonest" RNC speech
Donald Trump’s rambling 90+ minute remarks at the Republican National Convention were widely panned as a train wreck of divisive rhetoric, anti-immigrant smears, and self-aggrandizing drivel. Still, to nobody’s surprise, they were also full of lies. CNN fact checker Daniel Dale couldn’t even get through all of the falsehoods from the “remarkably dishonest” address in the 2-minute time slot Jake Tapper gave him.

New: Experts fear GOP's post-shooting Trump idolization could have "incredibly dangerous" effect

Chants of "fight, fight, fight!" — though brief — peppered the final night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Thursday, with attendees pumping their fists as GOP nominee Donald Trump solemnly recounted the attempt on his life during his acceptance speech. The crowd took inspiration from the now-indelible image that came to characterize the deadly shooting at Trump's Butler, Pa., rally on July 13: the former president, face bloodied and contorted, forcing his arm through the cover of Secret Service agents and pumping his fist while mouthing the words, "fight, fight, fight!" with the nation's flag flying overhead.
As one commentator observed, Trump, the consummate showman and reality television star, took advantage of the moment as the Secret Service tried to hussle him to safety. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'What To Do When People Want A Church To Grow…But Not Change' And More

So many Christians want their church to grow, just not change.

Hobbits and Third-Culture Kids: Befriending the Strangers Among Us
Everywhere they go (except when together), they are prone to experience a sense of alienation. They recognize that they don’t really belong, at least not as others do. At home everywhere, they are home nowhere. In their countries of origin, they are often difficult to recognize. TCKs are hidden immigrants who bear all the marks of citizenship yet often feel distinctly out of place. They are Hobbits without a home.

What Is Evil—Biblically? What the Bible Says about Good & Evil
Evil is the corruption of creational and relational goodness.1 Evil consists of thoughts, actions, or forces that diminish life. Evil takes what God planned for the good of all his creation and distorts or defiles it.

What is Catholic Integralism?
Catholic Integralists believe that religious values – specifically Christian ones – should guide government policies. They oppose liberalism, which they view as valuing individualism and liberty. It’s a question everyone must ask. How do we see our life and our calling? When we find ourselves thinking about the things that fill our days, what images come to mind?

The Bible at the Proms
We often hear that the Bible is being dismissed as irrelevant, yet it continues to be given an expressive voice in music and other art forms, its stories and poetry still appealing to audiences who wouldn't otherwise read it for themselves.

Where Your Vision Is…
It’s a question everyone must ask. How do we see our life and our calling? When we find ourselves thinking about the things that fill our days, what images come to mind?

Choirs in Reformed Worship
For centuries congregations who stood in the Reformed/Presbyterian tradition had no choirs. Because Calvinists took the priesthood of all believers seriously, they jealously guarded congregational involvement in worship: the people were to speak (sing) for themselves. That meant no choirs, no anthems, no cantatas—-just the strong, vibrant sound of congregational singing in response to the spoken Word. Today choirs are almost as common as committees among congregations who call themselves Reformed. Many of these churches have choirs of many sorts and sizes.
Related article: A Case for the Church Choir and Helping Kids Understand Worship Through Music: Ideas and Encouragement for Those Who Lead Children's Choirs
Building a Band: Putting together people, players, and parts
Ron Rienstra shares a small group of do's and don'ts which he has gathered from conversations and personal experience and which may be helpful to fledgling worship bands.

Learning from Each Other's Songs
Ten years ago I would never have considered using “My Jesus I Love Thee,” or any other hymn, for that matter, in a worship service. I was music director at a church plant, and we had decided to use only contemporary music in our services. But as our children got older, we came to realize that when they visited Grandma and Grandpa’s church, they didn’t know any of the psalms and hymns being sung—songs that make up our heritage. We had lost our musical common ground.....
A resource which, while it was written in 1985, offers some useful advice for churches in the twenty-first century is Betty Pulkingham's Sing God A Simple Song: Exploring Music in Worship For the Eighties
Bible is a Book of Prayer; How to Pray Scripture
For non-liturgical evangelicals, a book of set prayers may feel stilted and overly formal. Yet, all Christians have a prayer book because the Bible itself is a book of prayer. One of the most rewarding aspects of prayer for any believer, therefore, is praying Scripture.

Why I Believe Kids Should be Stil and Quiet in Church
When you read the title of this article, you may have been surprised. Kids need to sit still at church? Kids need to be quiet at church? Doesn't sound like the best strategy, does it?

7 Summer Outreach Ideas That Can Be Used All Year Long
Keep the summer outreach fires burning this summer and beyond so you continue to reach children for Jesus in your community. Discover these ideas to keep reaching children in your community—all year long.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Americans Grow Less Religious' And More

Americans Grow Less Religious
Along with the decline of religious identification, fewer people today feel religion is very important in their lives.

10 Character Traits of Jesus To Emulate
Christians and non-Christians alike usually can agree that Jesus is the best role model to have. From His faith, perseverance, generosity, and even His intelligence, people see the best qualities that mankind can possess. The Bible teaches everyone to become more like Jesus each and every day, so it’s helpful to learn about some of the character traits He had. The following is a list of 10 character traits of Jesus that everyone should emulate.

Here’s Why This Gospel Is My Favorite
Since God gave four different versions of the Gospel to reach different kinds of people, it should not surprise us if we feel more “connected” to one Gospel than another.

7 Sunday School Activities for the New School Year
School bells are ringing! Tap into kids’ natural excitement, and give them practical faith activities to transform everyday life into higher learning.

The Spirit Speaks through the Entire Group
When reading the New Testament, it is quite clear that the Holy Spirit worked through the early church with spiritual gifts.

7 Deadly Sins of Small Group Ministry
The 7 deadly sins is a familiar idea. And originally, the 7 sins referred to were actual sins and supposedly unforgivable. So are there 7 deadly sins of small group ministry? And are they unforgivable?

Reaching Unchurched People Through Groups
If pastors desire to reach the unchurched, it’s wise for them to mobilize the members of their congregations to reach these people.

What’s Your Faith-Sharing Style?
How to identify and maximize your personal approach to evangelism.

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, July 18, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows.

After Jesus and the disciples had eaten the Last Supper and Judas had left to betray him, Jesus gave his remaining disciples a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them. Their love for one another would be how the world would know that they were his disciples. In this evening’s message we take a look at the challenges of loving one another.

Reading: John 13: 34-35

Message: The Challenges of Loving One Another


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing a lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows the lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Thursday Evenings at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday' Catch: 'Are You Organized for Control or Growth?' And More

Are You Organized for Control or Growth?
One of the pastors on our staff was overheard saying to another staffer, “One of the things that makes Meck so different is that it is not organized for control, but rather organized for growth.” He gets it. It’s a simple but profound idea.

Leaders Tell the Story of Their Organization
Storytelling is a relatable, memorable way to convey information and engage peoples’ hearts and minds. Justin Irving says effective leaders master the art of storytelling to engage stakeholders in the mission of their organizations.

Beyond the pew: trying to reach Canadians at a time of waning familiarity with Christianity
As the Anglican Church of Canada sets the church up for a renewed focus on evangelism with a discipleship and evangelism task force, it faces a changing society—one in which familiarity with Christianity is waning. More and more Canadians, like Liu, have never encountered church before. If the church wants to reach out to Canadians today, several specialists in evangelism tell the Anglican Journal, it will need to consider how to introduce the faith to these people.

Bishop of the Arctic leaves church with predictions of renewal 
The Bishop of the diocese of the Arctic David Parsons has announced he will retire Dec. 31, 2024. In a career he describes as beginning with a small voice calling him to share the gospel despite his reluctance, Parsons today says his greatest highlight was meeting the people of the Arctic, whom he was called to share it with.

8 Risks of a ‘Pick-and-Choose’ Christianity
Literally, “à la carte” means, “at or according to the menu”—and we’ve understood it to mean choosing what we want from a smorgasbord of options. I fear that description fits how many believers live out their Christianity, too: they pick what they want and leave the rest on the counter. Here are some dangers of that approach—dangers that might also signal if we’ve moved in this direction....

Why I Am a Christian: The Problem of Evil
One of the objections that I heard and believed as a non-Christian was the objection from evil: A truly good and just God would not permit evil. The God of the Christians permits evil. Ergo, he is neither good nor just. The first (major) premise is to be doubted. The middle (minor) premise is to be qualified and the conclusion rejected.

How To Be There for Those Walking Through Grief
Pastors and church leaders are often first on the scene to provide loving comfort or grief counseling to those stricken by death’s sting.

A Unique and Fresh Approach to Bible Reading
A few years ago author and discipleship expert Bill Hull introduced me to a fresh approach to Bible reading through one of his books. He explained an ancient yet growing Christian devotional practice called lectio divina, which includes four phases: lectio, meditatio, oratio, and contemplatio. I took those four concepts and created my own acronym to make it more easily remembered: RIPE. RIPE stands for Read, Immerse, Pray, and Execute. Try reading your Bible in this way and see how it can freshen your experience. It’s also helpful to record insights you learn in a journal.

Impactful Discipleship: Fostering Spiritual Growth in Youth
Discipleship for teens is more than a Bible study series. It’s about nurturing a deep, life-changing relationship with Christ. By fostering spiritual growth, you give students a faith foundation to sustain them through life’s highs and lows. Here are practical steps for impactful discipleship with teenagers.

Special Feature: Religion, Politics, and the Rise of Authoritarianism in America 

JD Vance once worried Trump was ‘America’s Hitler’. Now his own authoritarian leanings come into view
Vice-presidential pick has said he would have blocked certification of 2020 results in key states won by Biden.
Related articles: Usha Vance's Connections to Supreme Court Justices Raises Concerns and Vance's 'Hillbilly Elegy' becomes political lightning rod
What does it mean that JD Vance’s wife is the daughter of immigrants and Hindu?
The most anti-immigrant and pro-evangelical presidential candidate in modern history has chosen as his running mate a man whose wife is the daughter of immigrants and is not Christian.

New book documents how Trump administration prioritized deporting Muslims
Average annual deportations to Muslim-majority nations also increased by 38% during the Trump administration.

At RNC, an uneven, awkward embrace of religious pluralism
As a Republican official led a Sikh prayer, images of Christian crosses flashed behind her.

"Bone chilling": Authoritarianism expert alarmed at RNC crowd reaction to bandaged Trump appearance
An authoritarianism expert expressed alarm Monday at the aggressive reactions from the crowd at the Republican National Convention when a bandaged Donald Trump entered the arena on Monday.

We can’t let political violence be used to silence concerns about rising political violence
“Vance’s disingenuous rant is a rhetorical ploy to make Trump’s critics hesitate before sounding the alarm about the dangers he genuinely poses.”

'Can you hear the dog whistles?' Project 2025's nightmare vision for Black America exposed
The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 has faced an upsurge in scrutiny for its blueprint to transform the entire federal government into a right-wing army to do Donald Trump's bidding, including ending the independence of the Justice Department and allowing any nonpartisan worker who won't back the agenda to be fired at will. But less attention has been focused on the project's detailed plans on race relations.

Conspiracy theories are unavoidable following the Trump shooting. But social media firms are making things worse
The truth just had a real bad weekend. Social media has long played a major role in making society more conspiracy-minded, by creating filter bubbles and stimulating the virality of outrageous notions to serve a business model built on the never-ending quest for engagement. The result is what we’ve seen online following the shooting of former President Donald Trump on Saturday.

Longtime Supporter Pastor Jack Hibbs Receives Criticism for Telling Donald Trump, ‘It’s Time To Bow the Knee’ to Jesus Christ 
The day after Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt, California Pastor Jack Hibbs used his Sunday sermon to implore the former president and 2024 Republican nominee to “say that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Referencing Trump’s bloodied ear and fist raised in defiance, Hibbs said he’d next like to see “Trump on his knees with his hands lifted up to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.”
Those who claim that former President Trump has turned in repentance from his sins and professed faith in Jesus for his salvation are engaging in wishful thinking. To date Trump has shown no discernible evidence of Jesus' influence in his life. He has, however, displayed an aptitude for cynically exploiting the religious beliefs of others for his own advantage and a willingness to don the mantle of God's anointed, something from which a true disciple of Jesus would shrink.
NRA members say they’re stocking up on ammo before presidential election
Weeks before the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, three-fourths of a sample of members attending the National Rifle Association annual meeting said they would be stocking up on ammunition ahead of this fall’s presidential election.

Neo-Nazis take over Nashville streets for the second week in a row
For the second time in as many weeks, members of a neo-Nazi hate group massed in downtown Nashville, accosting passerby in Nashville’s tourist-heavy Lower Broadway entertainment district.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Surrendering the Ego for God' And More

Surrendering the Ego for God
In a world that says “mine” over “ours,” the church must be different by gathering different mindsets to establish a new heart that beats for the needs of others rather than the needs of self. The way for this to happen is to let go of the ego for God.

Starting a Dinner Church in the Midst of Chaos with David Kidd
Is there a “right” time to plant a Dinner Church? Probably not, according to David Kidd, a Dinner Church leader in Ohio. David’s congregation was in the midst of major transitions when he and his team started a new table-centered ministry. While it was a chaotic time, they now have a thriving community alongside their established congregation, and an initiative to start more across the state.

Church’s flexible Sunday service offers time-poor families a chance to worship
A Mount Waverley church is offering opportunities for worship to people who are unable to make it to Sunday morning services this winter, through its new initiative. Winter Warmers aims to connect with children and families who might have other commitments, including sport, on Sunday mornings.
One of the realities of the twenty-first century is the need for churches to be more flexible in scheduling services. In far too many churches the day and the time they schedule services is a hangover from an earlier century. For example, many churches schedule their principal service for 11:00 AM on Sunday morning, a practice that has its origins in the nineteenth century and earlier when many communities were farming communities and farmers need time to do their chores before attending church.
UMC benefits org drops 34 church leaders who paid into program after disaffiliation
A United Methodist Church organization dedicated to providing financial support for the families of deceased pastors has dropped over 30 members who have paid into the program because their churches left the denomination.

God did not save Donald Trump
Did God save the former president, but not those who died instead?

Five faith facts about Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance
If Trump is elected, Vance would be the second Catholic vice president in US history — after Joe Biden.
Related article: J.D. Vance: What to know about Trump’s pick for vice president
Pastors slam Todd Starnes for urging Christians to leave churches if they didn’t preach on Trump attack
Conservative media personality Todd Starnes has come under fire from a number of pastors after he urged Christians to leave their church if their pastor did not address the assassination attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump from their pulpits on Sunday.

Prioritize Like a Pro: The One Question Every Leader Should Ask
Leadership isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would do it. One complication of leadership is the sheer amount of tasks compared to the time available to complete them. No leader can get to everything, especially in a growing or rebuilding season. So, how do you prioritize your time and energy?

7 Keys to Productivity for Pastors
Here are 7 keys to productivity for any pastor. These run the gamut from a simple new work habit to a church management software tool.

You Are UP to the Task Whether You Feel Like It or Not
Deep in the heart of every leader I’ve ever met lurks a daunting question that casts a shadow over every major challenge we ever face: Am I up to this?

When Christians Just Don’t Read the Bible
A recent study sponsored by LifeWay Research and highlighted by Facts & Trends shares some unfortunate but unsurprising results: “A third of Americans who attend a Protestant church regularly (32%) say they read the Bible personally every day. Around a quarter (27%) say they read it a few times a week.” They divide the results demographically and provide lots more information, but the facts are clear enough: plenty of good, Christian, Bible-believing folk are not spending time in the Word every day or even every week.

Dig Deep, Disciple Well: A Guide for Women Bible Teachers
Imagine a woman, gifted in teaching, yearning to share God’s word, but stifled by two extremes. The conversation around women and teaching in the church feels like a rocket aiming for the moon but stuck on the launchpad. On one hand, endless debates trap women’s gifts in a theological tug-of-war. On the other, the “rockstar teacher” model prioritizes platforms and personalities with cute outfits and instant followers over the biblical truths and message they came to share. Both approaches miss the mark.

Leading Your Church to Be Better Bible Readers
Pastors are called to disciple God’s people in the spiritual discipline of becoming daily Bible readers who know and love God’s Word.

Monday's Catch: 'Christian Witness in 2024 vs. 2014' And More

Christian Witness in 2024 vs. 2014
Gavin Ortlund shares four ways evangelism, apologetics, and Christian witness have changed from 2014 to 2024.

Don’t blame ‘the media’ for reporting your own violent language
Boston Globe reporter James Pindell stood in front of the press riser in the 91-degree heat as the gun smoke settled and Donald Trump rose up with blood running down his cheek, pumped his fist, and yelled, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” The crowd, understandably in shock, began to roar back.“After Trump had been escorted to his car and people sensed the rally was over and they were safe, the crowd turned on the media,” Pindell wrote. “The crowd was angry. Middle fingers were everywhere. They asked the press if they were happy and blamed the media.”
Related article: Trump needs to be stopped with ballots, not bullets

We do not know what motivated Thomas Matthew Crooks to attempt to assassinate former President Trump. Already conspiracy theories are swirling around the attempted assassination. On social media the attempt is being exploited to stoke hatred of Democrats and others who do not support the former president and to further demonize them It is also being used to embellish the notion that Trump is God's anointed. But the explanation for what happened may be simpler than we may think. By those who knew Crook in high school, he has been described as a quiet kid, a loner, a kid who did not dress like the other kids, a kid who was often bullied by his peers. This description fits a number of shooters in Crooks' age range. Under the quiet kid exterior they are experiencing a great deal of rage. Trump has been described as a bully and his speeches and public statements have been described as reinforcing this image making him a potential target for the accumulated anger and resentment of someone who had been a frequent victim of bullying. In the mind of that individual he comes to represent all the people who have physically and psychologically abused him.
UMC elects third openly gay bishop; first since UMC changed rules
A regional body of The United Methodist Church has its third openly gay bishop, the first since the mainline Protestant denomination changed its rules to allow noncelibate homosexuals to be ordained. The Rev. Kristin Stoneking, a United Methodist studies professor at the Pacific School of Religion, was elected a bishop by the UMC Western Jurisdiction at their meeting held last week in Spokane, Washington.
Related articles: Jurisdiction elects Kristin Stoneking as bishop and Sandra K. Olewine elected as bishop
Why Every Church Member Matters
Caleb Davis offers four reasons why every church member matters.

The Wisest Thing I Ever Heard a 71-Year-Old Student Say
“ can’t be the best pastor you can be when your eyes are on more than one congregation.”

Why Your Sunday Setlist Matters
...what are some guiding principles we can abide by in this continual act of picking out songs to sing?
These principles are applicable to the selection of songs for both contemporary and traditional worship, using a prescribed liturgy or a locally-developed one.
Your Personality Type Shouldn’t Determine Who You Become
Personality tests are descriptive but they need not be determinative.

Fear in Sharing Your Faith
Ever felt like faith is something private? What if I told you your faith was meant to be shared? In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commands us to "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations." This isn't just a suggestion—it's a command for all believers. But what does it really mean to "go"? How can we live out the Great Commission in our daily lives?

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, July 14, 2024) Is Now Online


Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows.

The four Gospels provide us with a window through which we can see Jesus and hear his words. It may not be as large a window as we would like, and we may not see everything that we would like to see or hear everything that we would like to hear. However, we are able to see and hear what we need to see and hear. The early Celtic monks recognized this truth, and they devoted much time to making copies of the Gospels and memorizing what was written in them.

In this Sunday’s message we take a look at what Jesus said about showing mercy and how it applies to us.

Readings: Sirach 4: 11-31, Romans 15: 14-29, and Luke 10: 25-37

Message: Called to Show Mercy


Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing each lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows each lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Saturday Lagappe: ''Overseers' appointed for evangelical congregations at odds with CofE same-sex blessings' And More

'Overseers' appointed for evangelical congregations at odds with CofE same-sex blessings
The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) has appointed a group of 'overseers' to provide informal alternative spiritual oversight (ASO) to clergy and parishes that cannot for reasons of conscience support the introduction of same-sex blessings. It follows a vote in the Church of England's parliamentary to continue moving towards the introduction of standalone services of blessing for same-sex couples, and permission for gay clergy to enter into same-sex marriages.
Related articles: Evangelicals disappointed by Synod vote on same-sex blessings and Same Sex Blessings in the C of E: ‘The Bus Rolls On’
Online spaces create community for spiritual yoga practitioners 
Yoga churches, and the people who lead them, represent the evolving landscape of spirituality in America, blending ancient wisdom with modern practices to create a supportive community for seekers of all backgrounds.
I am observing a similar trend at the local level in my region of Kentucky, in what was once the Bible Belt--yoga, drum circles, reiki, or energy healing. It prompts me to ask what needs are these practices meeting, which Christianity as it is practiced in my region is not meeting?
‘Wildcat’ and the Perils of Peacocking
Her neighbors didn’t see her as a brilliant author but as the strange woman with all the peacocks.

New study reveals Christian views on ethical ministry uses of AI
Christians show optimism in using AI for a growing set of ministry tasks.
What concerns me about AI in that we can become overly-dependent on AI to the neglect of our own cognative abilities. Like the internet, AI is a mixed blessing. While the internet enables us to access more information than we were able to access before its invention, it also enables perniscious influences to spread more rapidly and more widely.
The power of a health warning
It’s time to recognize the dangers of social media—especially to young people.

Presidential monarchy and judicial infallibility: America 2024
Reading the recently released Supreme Court verdict in the case of Trump v. United States, I couldn’t help thinking that before we put the Ten Commandments in “every classroom,” nationwide, we’d best post them in every room of the White House, you know, where American presidents live and work. Since the court’s verdict essentially immunizes American presidents past, present and future from criminal prosecution for actions carried out as part of their “executive power,” the Ten Commandments should be omnipresent throughout their executive domain.
The only restraint that the US Supreme Court left on the President of the United States is his concience, the part of us that judges how moral our own actions are and makes us feel guilty about bad things that we have done or things we feel responsible for, and to a less extent, the consciences of the judges of the US Supreme Court. If a President has no conscience, there is nothing to restrain him. Even if the US Supreme Court declares his actions as not immune from criminal prosecution, the court has no power to enforce its decision. Dictators are notorious for turning on those who supported them and helped them rise to power. Hitler ordered the extermination of Ernst Röhm and the Brown Shirts and Pol Pot summarily tried and executed a number of his Khmer Rouge followers.
4 Time-Tested Principles To Help Strengthen Your Volunteer Teams 
Recruiting and leading volunteer teams can be challenging, but we know that the passionate heart of one volunteer unleashed and empowered is more powerful than anything a paycheck can deliver.

Church Youth Rules & Regulations: Essential Youth Ministry Guidelines
Church youth rules & regulations are essential for youth ministry programs to function well. Yet many churches and groups don’t create official guidelines for youth leaders or participants. Unwritten youth group rules aren’t really rules, and you sure can’t enforce them very well. And rules you can’t enforce are absolutely pointless.

5 Reasons Why People Don’t Volunteer
People are either not called to children’s ministry or in a season of life where children’s ministry is not right for them.

Children’s Ministry Illness Policy: How to Protect Students & Teachers
Why do you need a children’s ministry illness policy? And what type of information should it contain? Read on to learn about best practices for keeping everyone safe.

We can’t think or live Christianly
What does our discipleship crisis look like? Our lives look the same as our neighbours and they shouldn’t. We don’t all have to be radical, but we do need a small number of radicals among us to help us see that our lives could be different.

How One Word Changes Your Perspective in a Season of Difficulty