Thursday, September 19, 2013

Eric Geiger on Leadership: A Holy Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect — [kawz-uh nd-i-fekt] adjective — noting a relationship between actions or events such that one or more are the result of the other or others.

Kids learn about cause and effect every year in elementary school. The learning is deemed critical because understanding cause and effect helps children make wise choices. For example, kids are more likely to eat vegetables, study for tests, etc., if they understand the effect each cause has. Doctors utilize the principles of cause and effect every day as they encourage patients to be involved in improving their health. If you eat healthy, you feel better. If you eat more calories than you burn, you get fat. If you get plenty of sleep, you are more likely to fight off sickness. Our bodies are impacted daily by cause and effect. And according to Ephesians 4:11-13, the body of Christ is affected deeply by a very significant cause. Let me explain. When it comes to the Church in the US, there are two prominent problems we know to be true:
1. Churches struggle to train leaders. In fact, we recently discovered that less than 25% of all church leaders have a plan to train their people for ministry.

2. As a whole, we know that the Church in America is not healthy and is declining in influence.
Are these two problems related? Does one cause the other? Keep reading

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