Thursday, September 19, 2013

Small Groups: Time to Take Them Seriously

Groups Matter to Much for Mere Group Smatter

Group smatter: Smatter means to speak superficially or to dabble in something. And many church leaders occasionally dabble in groups and speak superficially about the importance of community and groups in their churches.

Groups matter: According to recent research (which will soon become a book on groups with Ed Stetzer), your groups matter a lot. People in groups report that they give more generously, serve more sacrificially, confess and repent more frequently, and share the gospel more boldly than those who are not in a small group.

Because groups matter so much, it is time for church leaders to repent of mere group smatter. Here are three things church leaders must do with respect to their small groups.... Keep reading

Five GroupLife Dots You May Not Be Connecting

Do you have small group ministry issues you just can’t figure out? Feel like there are just some dots that don’t connect to anything? I think most of the time, they actually do connect. We just miss the connection between the way we’re doing things and the results we’re experiencing.

I love this line from Andy Stanley:
“Your ministry is perfectly designed to produce the results you’re currently experiencing.”
If you don’t like the results you’re currently experiencing, it’s time to start connecting some dots. Keep reading

My Small Group Is Better Than Yours!

In a recent friendly conversation around the offices of, someone jokingly exclaimed, "My small group is better than yours!" While we don't want to promote any unhealthy competition, there was a nugget of truth in this statement that we want to celebrate: people love their small groups. So we set out to find out what you love about your group. We even asked our Facebook fans and Twitter followers to share with us. Here are some of our favorite answers. Keep reading

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