Saturday, October 12, 2013

How 6 Faithful, But Not-Famous Pastors Prepare Their Sermons

Last week I surveyed how long well known pastors – like Keller, Piper, and Driscoll – take to prepare their sermons. The discussion in the comments was fantastic. One commenter, Andrew, posted an interesting thought:

“This was really interesting. I’d also be interested to hear a similar breakdown from faithful, small church pastors. May give those of us who are not outrageously gifted a more helpful barometer!”

So I emailed faithful pastors who I know personally to see if they’d be willing to shoot me a couple short paragraphs of how they prepare. They each gave me a detailed description of their process, and I offer their thoughts here for you, and I list some ways they surprised me at the end.

These guys are not lead pastors of megachurches. They have not any published books. They don’t have a top 200 church blog. But they are good pastors who shepherd their people well.

How does their process compare to yours? Is there anything you can take from their sermon prep methods and incorporate into yours? Do they do anything you disagree with? Keep reading

Also see
6 Steps to Help You Prepare to Preach

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