Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ministry Grid: Attract and Train the Best Leaders Possible

How can you hire and develop a team of leaders who are the highest level and what will it do for your ministry? A group of gifted leaders share their insights, and we point you to a selection of links from around the web to encourage and grow you, as well.

Eric Geiger: Holy Cause and Effect

There is a simple and holy cause and effect. When pastors stop merely doing ministry and start training others for ministry, the body of Christ is healthier. Keep reading.

William Vanderbloemen: Recruit a High Level Team

William Vanderbloemen explains how to recruit a team of high level leaders. Watch now.

Kevin Peck: 3 Leadership Training Questions

Advisory Council member, Kevin Peck, answers 3 crucial questions about the importance and fruit of ministry leadership training. Keep reading.

Brad Lomenick: The Tension of Ambition

Ambition creates tension in leaders. How do we manage that tension and pursue godly ambition? Keep reading.

Brad Lomenick: Attract Influential Leaders to your team

Brad Lomenick gives 10 tips on how to attract the best team possible. Watch now.

Mac Lake: What Do Tomorrow’s Leaders Look Like Today?

There will be a whole new set of leaders in your organization in the next few years. What do they look like today and how can you help prepare them for their role? Keep reading.

Learn More about Ministry Grid

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