Saturday, October 19, 2013

Successfully Embracing Social Media During Sermons

Times have changed.

If you were a public speaker in the 19th or early 20th century and someone in the audience was not keeping eye contact and was focused on something other than the you, you would think the subject matter was boring or the participant was not interested or engaged. However, in the 21st century, it is often just the opposite. People now are using their digital devices to Google information, fact check, and share content from the presenter.

The modern public speaker should understand that there is an audience within the audience to which he or she speaks or presents. Each person in attendance who is engaged in social media has an audience to which they speak, communicate and share. It makes all the sense in the world for the modern speaker to realize and embrace this fact. Successfully embracing social media during sermons is key, as his is a modern way to achieve what Jabez asked for, enlarging of his territory (1 Chronicles 4:10).

Churches should embrace and encourage the digital disciples who utilize technology to spread the gospel to their audiences through social media outlets like: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Social Cam, this is an effective way to reach out to those who are not present. Keep reading

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