Saturday, October 19, 2013

Swedish Archbishop prefers Allah

The bookmakers were right. Today it was announced that the Church of Sweden’s new archbishop is Antje Jackelén. But who is the church’s new top leader, who has chosen part of the Muslim prayer call as her motto?

Jackelén’s position carries a heavy responsibility. On its website the Church of Sweden reports that is has approximately 6.5 million members and that the organization is divided into 13 dioceses. Every diocese is led by a bishop and above the bishops is the archbishop.

Jackelén’s victory has been characterized as historic. For the first time in the church’s history the archbishop will be a woman. Powerful lobbying groups within the church have long agued that the new archbishop must be a woman so Jackelén’s sex has been an advantage. Critics have maintained that the scene was prepared for the bishop of Lund from the beginning. Keep reading

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