Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'How Churches Became the Go-To Spot for Halloween' And More

How Churches Became the Go-To Spot for Halloween
When Gen Xers and Millennials were children, many churches shunned trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. Families were told Halloween events were evil and to be avoided. Around the same time, some churches started offering alternative events for neighborhood families. Today, churches have become the place to be on Halloween in many communities. Thom and Sam examine what happened and reminisce about their childhood.

All Ages Welcome
Many churches consist of one primary generation, and that’s not the healthiest church. At the same time, though, growing an intentionally multi-generational church is not easy. Take a look at these reasons to be a multi-generational congregation, and then be aware of why it’s hard to get there.

I live in North Carolina and see FEMA’s presence every day
"To suggest that FEMA or the government response from the federal level has been missing, absent or inadequate is a flat-out fabrication. Many who are sharing these posts, videos or ideas without vetting their facts first are engaging in a full-fledged misinformation campaign aimed at attacking the public servants and their superiors who are doing all in their power to support those in need."
Having experienced Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, I regard it is the height of irresponsibility to spread the kind of misinformation these individuals are sharing.

While state and local governments, churches, and other private organizations play a part in disaster relief and recovery, they cannot carry its full burden. Donald Trump's proposal to dismantle FEMA if he is elected, is totally wrong-headed and shows no understanding of the seriousness of natural disasters and the difficulties involved in responding to their effects or concern for the people affected.

Whatever the cause, the shift in weather patterns due to the planet's changing climate is expected to result in more hurricanes. severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, microbursts, flooding, mud slides, drought, wild fires, and other natural disasters. No state is going to be able to cope with a series of natural disasters on its own, especially when these disasters may do serious damage to its infrastructure.

Trump's own record of dealing with natural disasters is abysmal, denying the severity of the COVID-19 epidemic and withholding aid to California and Puerto Rico on political grounds.
Supreme Court rejects Colo. church’s challenge to state lockdown measures
The United States Supreme Court has rejected a request from a Colorado church that wanted to be protected from future pandemic-related restrictions on its worship gatherings.

The Church at Election Time 
"...I believe pastors must be careful how they lead their churches in our politically polarized culture. I know there are good brothers and sisters who may disagree with these principles and their practical implications. But at the very least, pastors must disciple their leaders and their congregations in thinking through these matters wisely and theologically."
Also See: 2024 election checklist: Five ways Catholic parishes can keep politics out of church
7 Things Not to Say When Asking for Ministry Volunteers
You understand the importance of recruiting help in ministry. And the way you ask for volunteers can make or break the church’s enthusiasm.

Why Do People Deconstruct? Beware the Grand Theories.
In recent weeks, there’s been considerable conversation about the reasons why people drop out of church or walk away from their Christian convictions. Let’s consider three theories often thrown around.

The Digital Revolution is More Significant Than You Think
If you’re a church, ministry, or nonprofit leader, it’s time to pay attention....
See Also: Harnessing the Power of Technology
5 Lies Small Group Pastors Believe
"What are the lies small group pastors believe? I know. You may think you're above this kind of behavior. But I have to tell you...I've fallen for a couple of these myself. Have you?"

Media Saturation and Its Impact on Teens: Don’t Throw in the Towel
Media saturation and its impact on teens is an important topic. Yet many youth leaders and parents have thrown in the towel. How can we help teens avoid negative impacts of media saturation? Read insights from a ministry veteran.

Has Your Church Forgotte about Children's Ministry?
"I was at a church a few years ago that had no children. No babies. No toddlers. No preschoolers. No elementary children. No teenagers. As I looked around, it became very clear that this church was dying a slow death. Zoom forward a few years and you will see a church that is permanently closed. If you ask me what happened, I would respond by saying, "They were not intentional about passing on the faith to the next generation."

Why I want to run from children’s ministry but am still called to serve
Sarah Boberg explains why she wants to run away from children's ministry and why she has been unable to do so.

Go D.E.E.P.E.R. in Discipleship
As a church leader, I have often grappled with the challenge of equipping people to be more than just passive recipients of information. In today’s rapidly changing culture, it is imperative that we develop and mobilize leaders who can effectively lead and make disciples in diverse and dynamic environments. Over the years, I have found that the D.E.E.P.E.R. framework—Demonstrate, Experience, Explain, Practice, Expose, Reflect—provides a holistic and effective strategy for equipping disciple-makers and developing leaders.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday's Catch: ' Southwest Florida diocese begins cleanup, damage assessment post-Hurricane Milton' And More

Less than two weeks after the Parrish-based Diocese of Southwest Florida began cleanup efforts and assessing its churches damaged by Hurricane Helene in late September, the diocese began preparing for the arrival of another major hurricane – Milton.

ELCA bishops warn about ‘hate-fueled’ political lies
Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America issued a letter Oct. 1 to “condemn the hateful, deceptive, violent speech that has too readily found a place in our national discourse.” The letter from the Council of Bishops said: “We lament the ways this language has led to hate-fueled action. We refuse to accept the ongoing normalization of lies and deceit.”

Church fights ‘unjust’ tax for not looking ‘religious’ enough
A church in Italy is fighting an “unjust” tax imposed because it doesn’t look “religious” enough, claiming, “We are supposed to pay 50,000€ of allegedly accrued taxes only because we are Protestants.”

Church Exits Influence Clergy Age Trends
In its latest study of United Methodist clergy, the Lewis Center for Church Leadership discusses the impact of church departures. Disaffiliations have led to reductions in the ranks of both older and younger elders. The report also identifies conferences that continue to have a relatively high percentage of younger clergy.

The enduring impact of Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther’s Missiological Practices and Ministries: Lessons for the contemporary church
Samuel Ajayi Crowther (1809–1891) was a pioneering missionary whose legacy continues to resonate within the church today.

Great Gifts but Little Faithfulness
I was recently considering God’s gifts and pondering this: I have known Christians who have great gifts but low faithfulness. God has given them much and it is apparent that they are making little of it.

Pastors, Stop Trying to Fix People’s Problems
Crises are daily occurrences for most church leaders. Fires rage. We charge in with water pistols. We want to help. The leadership mistake is not the visceral reaction of jumping into a crisis. The problem occurs in a common exchange between shepherds and congregation, and this exchange only deepens the crisis and further entrenches the challenge.

Pastors Need a 'Third Place' for Healthy Lives
Pastors need a "third place" beyond church and home to refresh their spirits and pursue their passions.

How Much Time Should a Pastor Spend on Sermon Prep
Charles Stone takes a look at the factors that affect the length of time a pastor spends in preparing a sermon.

The Deficit of Discipleship: How the American Church is Off-Mission
The American church is off-mission. That may seem like a ridiculous statement considering the number of growing megachurches and multisite churches around the country. How could the church be off-mission with record crowds? Well, let’s go back and look at the church’s mission statement....

Practical Steps to a Small Church Discipleship Strategy
Darrell Stetler II offers five practical steps to help you create a clear discipleship strategy for your small church.

Steeplejacking: A Hostile Takeover in Worship?
It is irrefutable that adjustments to worship practices are often necessary as a church considers the cultures and contexts of those present and those not present yet. But in an effort to initiate some of those changes, leaders sometimes push to do anything different than what is being done presently. The consequence is those who have been around for a while feel as if they are losing the church they have known and loved. So even when change motives are pure, it still seems like their church is being steeplejacked.

Embracing Creative Outreach in Your Ministry
Rck Warren believes every church should embrace creativity to reach new people with the gospel. He maintains any church can learn to do this if they live out these five principles.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, October 13, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows

We can come to know Jesus, his message, and his teaching better through reading and studying the four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus not only suffered and died on the cross for our sins and opened to us the way of salvation, he also taught his disciples and the multitudes how to live in a manner that was pleasing to God.

In this Sunday’s message we take a look at what we can learn from Mark’s account of Jesus and the rich young man.

Readings: Amos 5:6-7, 10-15; Mark 10:17-31

Message: Jesus and the Rich Young Man

Link: https://allhallowsmurray.blogspot.com/2024/10/sundays-at-all-hallows-sunday-october.html

Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing each lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows each lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Saturday Lagniappe: 'When the Trees Fall" And More

I’m just now back into my study at the church building. My wife and kids are with her parents where power has been restored and I’m now able to put some thought toward what the role of our church in our community looks like in the days ahead. But first, I feel like it would be inappropriate not to process the thoughts that have swirled in my head since last Friday morning when the power went out.

Why Biola Started What Could Be the First Interdisciplinary AI Lab at a Christian University
Some educators might be—understandably—concerned that artificial intelligence (AI) is going to destroy their jobs. However, Biola University is a Christian institution that is leaning into the challenges and opportunities AI presents by exploring how to use AI’s disruption in the most redemptive way possible.

Americans warming up to pastors endorsing political candidates: poll
People in the United States are becoming increasingly accepting of pastors endorsing political candidates, according to findings from a recent report by Lifeway Research. According to a report from Lifeway, “the percentage of Americans who see pastors endorsing a candidate in church as appropriate has risen steadily over the past 16 years.”
These findings point to the movement in our highly polarized society to make the church’s identity all about politics, a movement that would subvert the mission for which the church was created--to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people groups, to make disciples, to baptize them, and to instruct them in what he commanded.
Southern Baptists have voted heavily Republican in last four elections
Southern Baptists have voted consistently Republican in the last four presidential elections, researcher Ryan Burge says.

The past few years have left clergy burned out and exhausted. But that can change, say experts.
Having a clear plan for an intentional health or wellbeing practice can lead to flourishing when it comes to mental health for clergy.

Count on what you KNOW God is doing rather than speculate on what He MIGHT be doing.
Our vision for the work of God is obscured by our pain, or our confusion, or the trouble of life. We believe God is at work, but for the life of us, we can’t figure out what He might be up to. How do we respond in such times?

Sing! It’s Good for You

Belting out your favorite song can feel great, but is it also excellent for your health and well-being.

Are You an Unhealthy Leader?
No well-intentioned leader would set out to lead this way, but it happens all the time.

Preparing for a Fruitful Harvest
Put these 10 ideas into action, you will see fresh new fruit as people follow Jesus as the Savior and Lord of their lives.

Rethinking Evangelism for a New Spiritualism
We’re no longer trying to argue with ardent atheists but to compel impressionable spiritualists.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'Why Isn’t the Good News Connecting With People?' And More

If, as we say, the “Gospel of Jesus Christ” is heaven’s Good News, and if this good news is the answer to mankind’s deepest, biggest, worst problems, and if it’s free and eternal and for everyone, one would think people would be crashing through the church doors to get in on it. They’re not. Why not?

Saul Had an Extraordinary, Supernatural Conversion—and So Did You
God chose you and saved you to carry his name into places and to people whose eyes have not yet been opened.

Why Was the Reformation Necessary?
The church is always in need of reform. Even in the New Testament, we see Jesus rebuking Peter, and we see Paul correcting the Corinthians. Since Christians are always sinners, the church will always need reform. The question for us, however, is when does the need become an absolute necessity?

Defending the Church’s Language for the Trinity, with Gregory of Nyssa
There have been recent attempts, in some circles, to shift our language about the Trinity away from the biblical and traditional words Father and Son. Often rooted in concerns about gendered language, some liturgists offer gender-inclusive alternatives that replace not only the words but the father-son relational dynamic in our language about God. This phenomenon is not exactly new.

What I Learned from Francis Schaeffer
My introduction to Francis Schaeffer, gave me an appreciation for three emphases of his spirituality: a theological, a pastoral, and a personal emphasis which I will reflect on in turn.

As COVID aid expires, homelessness spikes across America
Soaring housing costs, rising poverty and the end of COVID-era relief checks and eviction protections contributed to a spike in homelessness in the U.S. last year, according to a study by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Be Radical: Don’t Let Politics Hijack the Pulpit— Christ is King
...there is a massive pull in our hyper-polarized society to make the church’s identity all about politics. The church isn’t neutral on political issues—there are all sorts of topics directly and indirectly addressed in Scripture that speak into our world today. Here’s the radical thing I’m encouraging: KEEP CHRIST KING.

Should I force my child to go to church?
In my years of serving as a pastor to students and their families, I’ve heard the following question phrased in a few different ways: Should I force my child to go to church if they don’t want to?

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday's Catch: 'Church Planting Lessons Westerners Can Learn From African Pentecostals' And More

Church Planting Lessons Westerners Can Learn From African Pentecostals
...there is no singular “right” way to plant a church...there are many things we can learn from church planting practices in other cultures.

Church Leaders Share Lessons From Addressing Abuse
A clear gap exists between large and small churches in their sexual abuse prevention plans. What can churches of all sizes do to keep people safe?

More than 100M people of faith could sit out 2024 election: study
As many as 104 million people of faith, including 32 million self-identified Christians who regularly attend church, are unlikely to vote in the upcoming 2024 presidential election on Nov. 5 mainly due to lack of interest, research from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University shows.

5 kinds of American evangelicals and their voting patterns
Evangelicals are often regarded as a uniform, monolithic group − but there are differences within their politics and social engagement.

'Depopulation is the biggest public policy problem in Scotland' - report
The Evangelical Alliance has published a new report that sets out the "vital role" of Christianity in Scotland.

When a Ministry Closes
Here are three ways you can lead well when a ministry closes.

How To Recognize & Remedy Micromanagement
It’s a mistake to lead everyone in the same way. When leading one person, more direction or follow-up may be perfectly appropriate and needed, but for another, it’s micromanagement.

Sharing Wisely on Social Media
As I have navigated social media over the last 15 years, I fell into a basic decision matrix on how to decide what is wise to re-post. Before re-sharing a post, ask these two questions....

7 Proven Strategies to Launch More Small Groups
Churches CAN launch groups fast enough to keep up with the demand for discipleship, if they change up how they are launching groups. Here are 7 things I’ve discovered over the last 15 years in working with over 1,500 churches across North America. These aren’t just 7 ideas or 7 philosophies. These are 7 proven strategies to launch groups.

Jesus Wants Us To Ask How To Serve, Not Who To Serve
There’s a lot of dialogue going on right now in America over who “deserves” or “gets” to be our neighbor. But God has already settled this debate, decisively.

What Does “You are the Light of the World” Mean?
The moment that people believe in the Light (Jesus), they themselves become sons of Light. Of course, believers have no light source in and of themselves. But rather like the moon reflects the sun, we reflect the light of Jesus onto the world around us. We, simply by living holy lives in word and deed, striving to be like our Savior, shine the light of Christ to all the people around us.

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, October 10, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows.

Please keep in your prayers those areas of the southeastern United States affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. The terrain of a number of the areas affected by the storms and the extent of the damage has hampered disaster relief work, as has disinformation spread by irresponsible parties, seeking to capitalize politically on the two storms.

This Thursday evening, we continue our message series on Paul’s Letter to the Colossians.

Reading: Colossians 1:24-2:5

Message: God’s Secret

Link: https://allhallowsmurray.blogspot.com/2024/10/thursday-evenings-at-all-hallows_10.html

Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing a lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows the lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Thursday Evenings at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: '5 Do’s and Don’ts of Holiday Church Communication' And More

5 Do’s and Don’ts of Holiday Church Communication
With increased opportunities for engagement during the holiday season, effective church communication is crucial.

Bishop Jack Leo Iker (1949-2024)
Bishop Jack Leo Iker, who led the majority of parishes and people in his diocese into what became the Anglican Church of North America, died October 5 at 75. Iker had beat back lymphoma five years ago, but the cancer returned and metastasized this summer, and he entered hospice care.

Evangelicals for Harris’ anti-Trump Billy Graham ad prompts threat of lawsuit
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, led by the late evangelist’s son the Rev. Franklin Graham, has said it might sue over the ad’s use of clips from a 1988 Graham sermon.

“Community Partnerships: Moving from a Mindset of Scarcity to Abundance” featuring Mahogany Thomas
How can congregations cultivate fruitful partnerships with nonprofits that promote human flourishing and abundance? We talk with Mahogany Thomas, chief program officer of Bread for the City, about building partnerships to meet the needs in your community.

Los Angeles-area Episcopal church shares ‘holy dumplings’ with community
When she was five years old, Jessica Jin learned to make dumplings, a beloved family tradition throughout China, especially the northern region. She kept those skills throughout her life, even today, 13 years after moving from Beijing to the United States, where she and her family settled in San Gabriel, California. Today, she’s an active parishioner of the Church of Our Saviour, an Episcopal parish with a growing Chinese congregation.

Church Finances Don’t Have to be So Hard
Many churches struggle with finances due to a lack of financial understanding rather than insufficient funds. Effective financial tools and knowledge are crucial. Thomas James shares how to learn about your church’s financial culture using the Lewis Center’s updated Congregational Giving Profile (CGP) that tracks income, expenses, and trends, aiding churches in making informed decisions and improving financial management.

Is It Time to Right-Size Your Staff?
This might be the time to have a conversation about right-sizing your staff, says Jim Kitchens. He outlines different ways to approach the task depending on the urgency of the situation.

Untainted Leadership
Leadership before it was tainted consisted of watching over and working.

Gospel of the Living Dead
Preaching in the season of Halloween.

9 Tangible Benefits of Bible Reading for Your Church
The more often Christians engage the Bible at least four times a week, the more bold they will be in sharing and growing in their faith.

7 Principles of Biblical Interpretation
Interpreting the Bible—hermeneutics—is the science and art of understanding, translating, and explaining the meaning of the Scripture text.

Anxious Times: What You Need to Know About Childhood Anxiety
Feeling anxious about the rise in childhood anxiety today? Read on to discover what anxiety is, how to help kids through anxious moments, and what our Father God wants us to remember during anxious times.

Give Thanks In Every Circumstance
Gratitude can easily slip through our fingers. Yet, Paul's message to the Thessalonians offers a timeless reminder: to give thanks in all things. This call isn't just a religious doctrine; it's a life-altering perspective that fosters deep, spiritual contentment. But how does one practice such thankfulness amid life's trials?

International Churches Aren’t the Silver Bullet of Missions Strategy
We still need missionaries who go deep in language and culture and who plant indigenous churches among unreached peoples.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy 
It is easy enough for a church, or a pastor, to keep doing what churches and pastors do. That’s generally not bad advice, and for some churches and pastors it is very likely good advice. It can also be worthwhile to think more intentionally about this. Who are we and who is God calling us to be here and now?

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: "Where Is the ‘Child in the Midst’? A Response to L4’s Children-at-Risk Report" And More

Where Is the ‘Child in the Midst’? A Response to L4’s Children-at-Risk Report
Despite 14 years’ effort, the church-at-large and the Lausanne Movement have yet to embrace full integration of children in the Church and on mission.

What Will Happen in Churches When All the Baby Boomers Are Gone?
A time is coming when the Baby Boomer generation will no longer be present in churches. Our research writer, Ryan Burge, calls it the “Silver Tsunami.” Thom and Sam talk about what church leaders should expect when this generational shift occurs.

Generation Z’s Prodigal Sons
Young men are turning back to the church. As per recent reporting from The New York Times, Gen Z men are more religious than our female counterparts. Young men are staying in churches even as young women leave them—the gender breakdown of Gen Zers disaffiliating from religion is 54 percent to 46 percent, with women in the majority.

Grow Your Church or Impact Your Community?
Growing a church and impacting a community are not mutually exclusive. In fact, these two complex endeavors are highly interrelated, however....

Biggest Little Church
You don’t have to go far in the church these days to hear one question again and again: How are we to adapt the model of church that has developed in recent generations to the new reality we face today?

JD Vance and the Prophets of Trumpism
On Sept. 28, JD Vance spoke at a Christian political event hosted by the most influential religious leader you’ve probably never heard of.
You may need to register for a free account to read this article.
Donald Trump is The Joker but he’s not joking
When Donald Trump claimed Tim Walz is a “moron” and Kamala Harris was “born mentally impaired,” Lara Trump said he was “joking around.” In defense of what it means to joke around, Pastor Rodney Kennedy suggests Donald Trump is The Joker and he is not joking.

The Normalization of Slander
"We get so accustomed to sin we don’t see it. And that means we should always ask, What sins appear normal today? What sins are so common we hardly shrug at them?" writes Trevin Wax. "The more I contemplate this question in a digital age, the more I’m convinced we’ve entered an era marked by the normalization of slander."

Small Groups are a Leadership Development Factory
Small groups are a great catalyst for growing leaders.

Youth Inclusion in Church Leadership Is a Smart Move
Youth inclusion in church leadership is essential, according to ministry veteran Mark Oestreicher. Your church needs young people. Discover a developmental reason why any organization—especially churches—needs teens on leadership teams.

Christian Trunk or Treat Ideas: 27 Creative Themes for Harvest Events
Are you brainstorming Christian Trunk or Treat ideas for church? Halloween can be “tricky” for children’s ministries. Some pastors and churchgoers consider Halloween evil or dangerous, so they avoid marking the occasion. But fun alternatives such as harvest parties, carnivals, Bible-character costume contests, and Trunk-or-Treat nights are great community outreach events.

When Belonging to the Church Feels Difficult
How can you enjoy belonging to Jesus without despising or resisting the responsibility of belonging to a church?

Monday, October 07, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'Should Churches Meet in Houses?' And More

Should Churches Meet in Houses?
James Emery White identifies the major hermeneutical error behind the belief that churches should only meet in houses.

The mainstream psychiatrist who confirms demonic possession is real
In the modern world, belief in Satan or evil spirits is usually ridiculed or completely ignored. Scientists often assume such ideas are delusions – symptoms of a psychiatric illness or psychosis. Some Christians even dismiss the idea, even though they feature prominently in the gospel accounts of Jesus's life. So when a distinguished expert in mental illness, Dr Richard Gallagher, wrote a book describing his own personal encounters with people who are possessed, it received a lot of media attention, with TV appearances, newspaper interviews and appearances on many podcasts.

A Christian Response to Polygamy, Incest, and Pedophilia
In 1964, Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart defined obscenity, or hardcore pornography, by simply stating, “I know it when I see it.” Perhaps this was true for Stewart, or even the average American before the sexual revolution. Yet after decades of increasing promiscuity in media, fashion, and other cultural activities, we’re deeply desensitized to sexual immorality. We see it. But we don’t know it.

Faith Hacking: The Swedish Method
The Swedish Method is one super-simple way to read the Bible with others, and may be especially effective for reading with small groups of teens or with individual new Christians. One of the advantages is that it requires few resources and little planning, but can still be very rewarding.
Also See: The Swedish Method and Origins of the Swedish Method
6 Things that Happen when You Know Prayer Warriors “Have Your Back”—and a Challenge for You
I have several prayer warriors (actually, I have 20 on my list today) who intercede for me regularly. Some pray for me and Pam every day. Others pray when I request it. I know it sounds cliché to say, “Prayer really matters” . . . but, I continue to learn how much it does. In fact, here are some ways the prayers of my support team have changed my life....

Why Does God Say No to Good Things?
Why would God say no to prayers for a loved one’s salvation, sanctification, or healing? For a stable job? For reconciliation in a broken relationship? For a godly spouse? Blake Glosson shares five responses he has found useful in his season of waiting.

This is how to use the Swedish Method with kids
Is it really possible to explore the Bible with kids in a way that keeps them involved and engaged? Annemarie Rivers shares one way she has found that is surprisingly simple.

5 Innovative Prayer Ideas for Your Children’s Ministry
Trying to find ways to incorporate more prayer in your children’s ministry? Look no further! Here are five unique ideas to get you started.

4 Resources Small Churches Can Put Toward Discipleship—Today
When it comes to building a strong discipleship culture, resources are exactly what you have—more than you realize.

Failure Happens Slowly Before It Happens Suddenly
Moral failure is rarely an event. It’s more of a slow process that can be stopped if we catch it early enough, but that will become catastrophic if we let it go.

3 Reasons to Be Gentle
Despite our best efforts, we get disappointed. And in light of that, whether you’re 7 or 70, here is what seems like a good principle to remember: Much of life is about what you do next.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Saturday Lagniappe: 'The Devastation From Hurricane Helene Is ‘Overwhelming’ but So Is the Neighborly Love' And More

The Devastation From Hurricane Helene Is ‘Overwhelming’ but So Is the Neighborly Love
...in the midst of the shocking loss and ruin the storm left in its wake, stories are emerging of neighbors going above and beyond to help one another. Among them are pastors, local churches, and Christian relief organizations.
Also See: First Baptist Erwin, Tenn., among those hard-hit by Helene, Megan Basham is lying again, and Calmes: Donald Trump turns on a firehose of lies as the election nears. It matters

Christians are not free from obedience to the commandments known as moral. These commandments include a prohibition against bearing false witness. Jesus himself affirms these commandments in his teaching. In one conversation in the Gospel of John Jesus implies that liars are the cildren of the devil, the father of lies. Spreading lies and half-truths is condemned elsewhere in the Bible and liars are numbered among the wicked. The Revelation to John tells us that liars will be cast into the lake of fire.
'The UK is entering its first atheist age,' say researchers
The proportion of atheists in the UK has grown to such an extent that it is now possible to speak of the country's "first atheist age", a group of researchers has said after publishing the findings of a major study into atheism.

How love renewed St James’ Old Cathedral
A west Melbourne church has seen huge growth in attendance numbers over the past 16 years in response to efforts to revitalise it, including introducing new ministries. St James’ Old Cathedral has grown from 15 people and few if any young people at Sunday services to 80 worshippers, and a strong youth group, since the church embarked on its revitalisation journey. It now offers a distinctive mix of contemporary Evangelical and Anglo-Catholic traditions, and attracts children and young people.

Why Domestic Abuse Is So Very Evil
There are few churches that have no members who bear painful scars related to domestic abuse. There are few churches where pastors and members are not at times called upon to respond well and wisely to troubling allegations and sorrowful situations. In their book When Home Hurts, Jeremy Pierre and Greg Wilson provide guidance for such times and, as they do so, explain why domestic abuse is so very evil. I, for one, found it very helpful.

Entrepreneurial Imagination: How Missional Startups Engage Your Community and Reenergize Your Church
Join us for a free webinar where you’ll discover fresh ideas and real stories about how entrepreneurial initiatives can revitalize your congregation’s mission and community impact.

What does it mean to preach Christ?
Tis video features r. Jordan Stone of Reformed Theological Seminary.

Why You Should Train Others To Preach 
What is your church doing to train future preachers and pastors?

How Biblical Hermeneutics Transforms Us as Readers
Learning to read is the first and most important step in a child’s education, the principal doorway to learning about everything else. Reading both informs and forms, which is why children of God down through the ages have sought to figure out what the Bible means, why it matters, and how they should respond to or participate in the Bible’s story. Figuring this out is an art and a science, and it’s called hermeneutics.

You Need a Well-Oiled Gospel Memory
It is important to have a well-oiled, activated gospel memory. It’s important to require yourself never to forget. Few things are more spiritually benefiting than rehearsing the story of God’s rescuing, forgiving, and restoring grace in your life. It’s vital to remember that we not only experienced his forgiving grace at the moment of our conversion, but continually experience his grace as a lovingly patient process of restoration. God has forgiven you again and again, he has restored you to himself again and again, and he will continue to do so again and again.

Those Who Make Them Become Like Them
As I’ve been reading and reflecting on digital technology over the past few months, a consistent theme has been the ways in which the digital is digitizing us—that is, how our technologies are changing our sense of what it means to be human and remaking us in their image.

Sundays at All Hallows (Sunday, October 6, 2024) Is Now Online

Welcome to Sundays at All Hallows.

This Sunday, the first Sunday in October, is World Communion Sunday, a day which calls Christians to resist the polarizing tendencies of our times and unite around Jesus Christ and his message and teaching. World Communion Sunday “was first observed by Presbyterians in 1936, adopted by the Federal Council of Churches in 1940, and shortly thereafter observed in Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren churches.” To celebrate the occasion the hymns and songs for this Sunday’s service have been selected from those of the global Church.

The message for this Sunday focuses on what Jesus identifies as an essential requirement for entering the Kingdom of God.

Readings: Genesis 2: 18-24; Hebrews 1: 1-4; 2: 5-12; and Mark 10: 2-16

Message: Like a Child

Link: https://allhallowsmurray.blogspot.com/2024/10/sundays-at-all-hallows-sunday-october-6.html

Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Sundays at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing each lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows each lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Sundays at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Friday, October 04, 2024

Friday's Catch: 'Evangelical Alliance records fastest membership growth in decades' And More

Evangelical Alliance records fastest membership growth in decades
The Evangelical Alliance UK (EAUK) is experiencing its largest surge in membership in three decades, with 5,000 new members joining in the past year. This remarkable growth reflects a resurgence of interest in evangelical Christianity across the UK and has strengthened the EAUK's influence in national discussions and advocacy efforts.

Wheaton-to-Anglican Pipeline: Why Are Young People Turning Anglican?
For many students, Wheaton College is their first introduction to liturgy.
I personally take these migration to Anglicanism articles with a large pinch of salt. I have read a number over the last two odd decades. They often claim that young people are flocking to liturgical churches but they offer no hard research to support their claim. What research that I have seen does not support this claim. Yes, some young people are attracted to liturgical churches but not in the numbers that these articles would have us believe.
Will Anglicans Save Evangelicalism?
In this article Warren Cole Smith shares his views on what he characterizes as the phenomenon described in Sarah Carter's article, "Wheaton-to-Anglican Pipeline: Why Are Young People Turning Anglican?"
It is debatable that what the Anglican Church in North America offers is genuine evangelical Anglicanism or Anglican evangelicalism. Its form of governance, its ordinal, its other rites and services, and its catechism have been strongly influenced by Catholic Revivalism.
Who Are the Deconstructors?
Deconstruction is a rising trend in most American evangelical churches. Deconstructors themselves are sidelined, silenced, and sabotaged. For the most part, pastors and churches have been treating deconstruction as a symptom of a lack of information, or a lack of discipleship, or rebellion against God. Perhaps we are looking at something new in Christianity—an upheaval that cannot be solved by a sermon series or even by a book co-written by a Bible scholar and a pastor.

Latin American Catholics favor women priests more than married priests
Those supporting women priests have done a much better job convincing the laity in Latin America than have those who favor optional celibacy. 

Matthew Taylor’s new book explores how ‘the fringe became the carpet’
Matthew Taylor’s timely and disturbing new book, The Violent Take It by Force: The Christian Movement That Is Threatening Our Democracy, explores the politicization of America’s independent charismatics and neo-Pentecostals and the resulting “charismaticization of right-wing politics.”

Helping Hurting Women Find Restoration
Women are searching for a place of refuge, and the church should be a sanctuary where they can heal and experience restoration.

10 Practical Strategies for Effective Stewardship Campaigns
Could your church benefit from a more systematic and effective approach to your annual stewardship drive? Ann A. Michel from the Lewis Center staff lays out ten steps that can help your church do a better job of connecting with givers and inspiring generosity.

The Vital Role of Prayer for Hospital Chaplains: Bringing Comfort and Hope
In the bustling, often overwhelming environment of a hospital, where the stakes are high and emotions run deep, hospital chaplains play a crucial role in providing spiritual support and comfort. These dedicated men and women are the hands and feet of Christ, offering prayer and guidance to patients, medical professionals and families during some of the most challenging moments of their lives.

Why Prayer Matters
Does prayer scare you? It also scared me at one time. I wasn’t comfortable praying out loud. Then I learned how to pray, and it became one of my gifts—to pray for others and even for myself. I discovered that prayer is simply a conversation with God.

Our Prayers Reflect Our Relationships
Our prayers tell us a great deal about ourselves and about our view of those around us.

The Single Most Important Thing in Leading a Small Group
What is the single most important thing in leading a small group? Joel Comiskey and I recently surveyed over 1800 small group leaders from around the world to discover what makes small group grow. One thing emerged as most important. Here it is: Quit doing everything yourself and involve others!

3 Simple Children’s Messages to Use in a Pinch
Need a quick and simple children’s message? Look no further! Here are three simple children’s messages from Simply Loved curriculum to add to your ministry to children this week.

Why Christians Don’t Share the Gospel
Over the course of the last 30 years of ministry, I’ve had the privilege of training millions of believers how to share the Gospel. During that time I’ve also talked to countless Christians about roadblocks and reasons why so many of them struggle to evangelize. I’ve narrowed these reasons down to 5. Here they are in no particular order...

3 Misconceptions about Effective Evangelism: Encouragement for a Wavering Witness
...according to the Bible, evangelism involves more than explicit gospel declarations. Identifying common misconceptions about evangelism can help us overcome discouragement about our evangelistic attempts.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Thursday Evenings at All Hallows (Thursday, October 3, 2024) Is Now Online


Welcome to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows.

This coming Sunday, the first Sunday of October, is World Communion Sunday. World Communion Sunday is observed by a number of Protestant denominations on the first Sunday of every October and promotes Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation.

This Thursday evening, we continue our message series on Paul’s Letter to the Colossians.

Reading: Colossians 1: 15-24

Message: A Monumental Act of Human Cruelty, A Far Greater Act of God’s Love for Us

Link: https://allhallowsmurray.blogspot.com/2024/10/thursday-evenings-at-all-hallows.html

Please feel free to share this link with anyone who may be interested.

If you are new to Thursday Evenings at All Hallows, you may find these directions helpful:

-It is recommended that after reading or hearing a lesson to take time to reflect on what you read or heard during the period of silence which follows the lesson. It is also recommended that you do the same thing after reading or hearing the message.

-When you open the link to a video in a new tab, check auto-play to make sure it is in the off position. Otherwise, a second video with a different song will follow the first.

-If an ad plays when you open a link to a video in a new tab, click the refresh icon of your browser until the song appears.

-If a song begins partway through the video, click pause, move the slider to the beginning, and then click play.

-An ad may follow a song so as soon as the song is finished, close the tab.

May Thursday Evenings at All Hallows be a blessing to you.

Thursday's Catch: 'In North Carolina, sound of chainsaws brings hope as faith-based workers clear roads' And More

In North Carolina, sound of chainsaws brings hope as faith-based workers clear roads
While emergency officials continue to search for victims of Hurricane Helene, faith-based groups start the long, slow cleanup efforts.

How Your Church Can Help During a Natural Disaster
Many people would agree that there’s nothing better than that time of year when the days start to get longer, and the weather gets warmer. But along with this comes the looming question of what extreme weather may happen in this season. In addition to hurricanes, like the one that just ravaged the Southeast, people have to deal with tornados, flash floods and wildfires. Many people will look to their local institutions for preparation and recovery efforts.

When Internet Culture Becomes the Culture
Christian thinkers and writers recognize the power of the internet and have been at the forefront of writing about the dangers of smartphone addiction, excessive social media use, and internet pornography. But where secular internet culture writers often approach their topics from a live-from-the-scene-of-the-crime perspective, Christian writers are frequently on the outside looking in.

10 Harmful Online Behaviour To Be Aware Of
This project is driven by the vision of our writer, who aims to spark meaningful conversations and create common ground amidst the chaos of online culture and media. While some of the research is cited, many ideas stem from their own observations as an internet user and culture enthusiast. Their hope is to address both the good and toxic behaviors in online spaces and encourage viewers to reflect on their own actions.

New survey says only 35% of Evangelicals think they are ready to share biblical truths
While the overwhelming majority of Evangelicals believe they have a duty to share the teachings of the Bible, most do not consider themselves ready to do so on a regular basis, according to a new survey.
Small Church Pastor, Respect Thyself
Small church pastors bring unique contributions that make a tremendous impact. It’s time to respect what you do, and where you do it. Darrell Stetler II explain why.
Also See: New Start Discipleship Program
Be Present as a Leader
When we first started seeing serious growth at Vanderbloemen Search Group, we had an idea: What if we could serve the church by building an executive search firm that was entirely virtual? We could charge less, serve more churches and sleep at home every night.

You Might Be Too Rigid: 5 Questions to Test Your Leadership Flexibility
Leadership longevity has its benefits, but it also comes with significant challenges. One of the most pervasive is the gradual loss of flexibility. The longer a leader remains in their role, the more likely they are to become rigid in their thinking and approach. This rigidity can manifest in several ways, all of which can hinder the growth and innovation of both the leader and the organization.

What does Paul mean in Colossians 2:18 when he speaks of “the worship of angels”?
Paul issues a stringent warning about those who are engaged in the “worship of angels” (Col. 2:18b). This is a notoriously controversial statement due to the ambiguity of Paul's words. I'll try to briefly explain the options for its interpretation.
A number of posts on social media about which I have read or seen are prayers to angels. Jesus taught his disciples to pray to God, to their Father in heaven, and he himself prayed to God and NOT to angels. The Holy Scrptures tell us that angels are messengers FROM God and NOT messengers TO God. While Catholics may invoke saints and angels when they pray, this practice finds no support in Scripture.
The Benefits of Attending Church Online
Some have asked, “Does attending church online count?” Your church attendance isn’t about “counting” for something. Romans 4:3 says, “For what does the Scripture say? ‘Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.’” Attending church online or in person are both opportunities to meet, encourage one another, study God’s Word together, worship, and grow—all with the mission of seeing lives changed by Jesus.

The Gettys’ Modern Hymn Movement Has Theological Pull
Yet even at their annual worship conference, there’s room for multiple styles of music to declare the stories of the Bible.
You may have to create a free account to read this article.
5 Things to Do Before you Create a New Church Website
The creation of a new church website was a priority for us, as it is often the first online impression that potential guests will have of the church. In fact, the website can be seen as the digital entrance, serving as the primary communication hub for the church. Thus, it is crucial to carefully plan and execute the development of the website as a key part of the overall communication strategy.

Small Group Leadership is Lonely
The loneliness of small group leadership seems like a misnomer. After all, small group leaders, coaches, directors, and even small group pastors are in a group. Why would they feel lonely? This isn’t the loneliness as a person. This is the loneliness of the leader. It’s the old adage that it’s lonely at the top. The experience of leadership can be a lonely experience. Here’s how to alleviate loneliness for your leaders and yourself.

Youth Sports, Healthy Families, and the Future of the Church
Over the last two or three decades, youth sports has been professionalized, which means parents are paying coaches and organizations to do things they used to do themselves, or have the kids do—things like playing catch, setting up games, and supervising disputes. Over time, that grew to include things like scheduling tournaments, renting facilities, and offering specialized camps or one-on-one coaching. This shift has led to a lot of problems.

Image Credit: Mennonite Disaster Service

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Wednesday's Catch: 'Hurricane Batters Churches Across the Southeast" And More

Hurricane Batters Churches Across the Southeast
Episcopal churches and organizations across the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee have reported serious damage while continuing to assess wreckage in the wake of Hurricane Helene.
Also See: Hurricane Helene caused catastrophic damage in Southeast, particularly in Western North Carolina

I found no information regarding the extent of damage to Anglican Church in North America, United Methodist and other Methodist churches in the areas affected by the flooding. The ACNA and the UMC have posted appeals for donations for disaster relief work in the affected areas.
Lausanne and the Voice of the ‘Flies’: Concerns From a Majority World Church Leader
Kazusa Okaya shares a number of concerns that were voiced by many of the majority-world leaders behid the sceneses at the Lausanne Congress.

The future of faith: reaching a new generation around the world
What comes to mind when you think of the typical human being? Whose face do you imagine? What language do they speak? How old are they?

Why Are Church People so Mean – 8 Reasons
Based on our Lawless Group interviews and surveys over the years, here are some of the reasons church members can be mean....

Based on our Lawless Group interviews and surveys over the years, here are some of the reasons church members can be mean....

6 Church Members Who Build Up the Church
Healthy local churches make a powerful and attractive testimony to a watching world. This means that every member has to be devoted to building others up.

Can Your Approach to Church Finances be both Spiritual and Practical?
Some in the church operate on the assumption that a spiritual perspective on money requires the abandonment of practical thinking. But stewardship expert Ann Michel says a sound theology of stewardship reveals that a spiritual perspective regarding money and finances is practical, and a practical perspective can also be spiritual.

The Invisible Traits of Great Leaders
There are unseen traits of great leaders which are often unknown until tested. These unseen traits often help determine the success of a leader.

Prophetic Preaching and Leadership
C. Anthony Hunt says a preacher’s call to speak on issues of social and political concern is rooted in biblical tradition. He shares specific strategies Jesus used to highlight injustice, empower change, and transform people and communities.

12 Steps to Discover Your Call to Music Ministry
Music ministry is one of the most vital ministries in the local church and should be viewed as a sacred office. Discovering your call begins with a DESIRE to be used by God to impact the local church and the world around you. Why am I a minister of songs?

5 Benefits of Limiting Group Size
Limiting group size may seem counter-intuitive, but there are at least five benefits of keeping the group size between eight and 16 people.
Based upon my own experience and the literature on small groups, a group of sixteen people is too large to be considered a "small group." The small group dynamics that make a small group a transformative experience will have disappeared, replaced by large group dynamics. The question of what is the most efficient group size "has been extensively discussed in the literature on in-person groups, and the consensus is that the optimal size for in-person groups is about 5–7 people." If a small groups reaches 12 people in size, it should divide into two new small groups.
Let’s Stop the Kid Jokes While joking about kids may seem inconsequential in the moment, this sort of talk points to a larger cultural trend toward devaluing children by depicting them as burdensome and annoying. As Christians, we need to pause and reflect on how we speak about our children. Do our comments about parenting and our children’s struggles reflect Christ’s heart or the hot takes of our culture? Under the guise of seeking comic relief from parenting’s challenges, could we be sinning by how we talk about children and their sin?

Youth Pastor and Parents Partnership: Listen Up, Moms & Dads!
A youth pastor and parents partnership is essential for successful youth ministry. How well do moms and dads understand your role? How strongly do they support your efforts? Do parents realize their own role as spiritual leaders? Consider these insights about student ministry and what you need to convey to parents.

Clearing Up Confusion About Humility
Biblical humility, then—and pride, conversely—describe where you actively place yourself in relation to others. Humble people are “lowly.” Prideful people are puffed “up.” Humble people get low and off-center. Prideful people do the opposite. This higher/lower relationship is key to understanding biblical humility.

Dave Ferguson: The Key Steps to Building a Culture of Outreach Dave Ferguson is the founding and lead pastor of Chicago’s Community Christian Church, the visionary for the international church-planting movement NewThing, and president of the Exponential Conference. He is also an award-winning author of several books, including “BLESS: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World,” which he co-wrote with his brother, Jon. Be sure to keep an eye out for his course on RightNowPastorsPlus.org.
Also See: The B.L.E.S.S. Practices,“The #1 Tool to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself”, RightNow Pastors Plus, and Dave Ferguson.
BLESS: An Intentional Evangelism Initiative
God’s way of reaching and restoring the world has always been through blessing. These five missional practices make up the acronym BLESS and are a way to participate in the strategy God gave Abraham to reach the world. “And I will bless you…and you will be a blessing” (Genesis 12:2). As we engage these practices daily, we partner with God’s Spirit to bless those who do not know him.

Image Credit: Cathedral of All Souls

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Tuesday's Catch: 'Lausanne Congress concludes with call to 'collective responsibility' for the Great Commission' And More

Lausanne Congress concludes with call to 'collective responsibility' for the Great Commission
"The Great Commission is everyone's responsibility," Dr Michael Oh told thousands of Christians at the end of the Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Incheon, South Korea, on Saturday. Speaking during the closing ceremony of Lausanne 4, Dr Oh warned against dismissing the Great Commission as "not my business", and said that it must be seen as the Church's "collective responsibility" and "everyone's business". "The Great Commission is everyone's responsibility. The aggregate result of Christians doing their own thing in their own place - even faithfully - has left us with the trajectory that, year after year, there are more people in the world who have never heard the Gospel than the year before," he said.

New Anglican Arctic Radio Has ‘Hearts Leaping for Joy’
A new North/South partnership is making waves in the Arctic — sound waves. Facebook carried this message from Frobisher Bay on September 19....

In warning for Trump, evangelical Christian leaders urge 'biblical principles' on immigration
The letter had cautions for both parties, but its authors appeared especially frustrated by the Trump campaign's recent rhetoric regarding immigration policy and immigrants.

Donald Trump Posts ‘Prayer to Saint Michael’ in Observance of the Feast of the Archangels
“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle,” former President Donald Trump posted to X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday. “Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.” The post, which was accompanied by an image of 17th century artist Guido Reni’s painting depicting the Archangel Michael standing on the head of Satan, was the quotation of the Roman Catholic “Prayer to Saint Michael.”
I seriously doubt that Trump himself came up with the idea of posting a prayer to St. Michael on Michaelmas on X. It was most likely suggested by someone in the Trump campaign and is directed at Catholic voters. Mainline Protestants and evangelical Protestants do not pray to saints or angels. Scripture recognizes only one mediator--Jesus Christ, and condemns the worship of angels which includes praying to them.
U.S. Evangelicals Want to Engage Culture More Than They Actually Do
Although evangelicals say they want to engage culture, they often bypass the opportunities in front of them to do so.

'I'm An Evangelical, But I Rarely Go to Church'
This is a phenomenon that occurred entirely between 2008 and 2020. If you look at the last couple of years of data, it’s almost exactly the same. The percentages deviate by just a single point in either direction. The rise of the low attending evangelical has abated, at least for now.

Do NOT Make These Five Financial Mistakes in Your Church 
These five financial mistakes are common in churches of every size. Thom and Sam discuss five “don'ts” of church finance. Correcting these mistakes often yields immediate and measurable results in the financial health of the congregation.

4 Idols That Kill Leadership Development
Leaders have been given the holy responsibility of leadership development — that is, equipping others. Just as in other areas of our lives, our idolatry, our longing for something other than God, keeps us from obeying Him with glad hearts. A leader’s idolatry will prevent a leader from the holy task of leadership development.

Dear Pastor, Sermon Prep Is Worth the Effort
The indispensable requirement for consistent fruitfulness and fulfillment in ministry is schedule control. The most important issue to decide is what you will invest your time in, because that reveals what your actual priorities are in practice, irrespective of your theoretical stance. We need to thoughtfully and prayerfully revisit our time commitments, reestablish what really matters most in our lives and ministries, and then make the necessary changes and stick to them.

7 Ways to Preach Christ From the Old Testament
It doesn't take long in a conversation about preaching Christ before someone says "Are you just trying to find Jesus under every rock?" Arguably, the bigger problem in Evangelical preaching is finding no Christ where it turns out Christ was the rock (1 Cor 10:4). Nonetheless, it's a good question at the root: how do we preach Christ in the Old Testament? But there's a bigger problem at stake.

Contemporary Christian Is One of Music’s Fastest-Growing Genres. Why?
What should we make of this trend? What factors might explain this seemingly counterintuitive rise of contemporary Christian music (CCM) in a secular age? Here are four initial thoughts.

Infrastructure: The Foundation of Your Small Group Ministry
As you start to add groups to your church, a common problem is keeping them. Groups left on their own will soon fade away. Without the proper guidance, groups will become social communities, and without purpose people will quit coming because there are more than enough social communities pulling at us. Let’s go through some common questions on infrastructure to help us make “infrastructure” a strategic word instead of a task word.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday's Catch: 'What Young Adults Look for in a Church' And More

Many of the frustrations surrounding our failure to reach young adults are less about them and more about the church.

Rick Warren lists 10 action steps through the book of Acts to help church leaders 'finish their race'
In his 54th year in ministry, Rick Warren, founder of Saddleback Church, declared at the Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization that he would spend the next 10 years of his life continuing to help church leaders "finish their race" and fulfill the Great Commission in their lifetime.

Can a Church or Ministry Do Anything About an Employee’s Negative Social Media Posts?
Several major churches and ministry organizations have a social media policy in place, but not many. Besides, are those policies legal? Can a church censor those posts, or fire the employee? What about freedom of speech?
Negative social media posts can not only harm the reputation of a local church ad affect its ability to reach and engage its community, they can also damage the general public image of Christians and Christianity.
4 Ways to Involve Your Small Groups in the Great Commission
If you want your church to balance God’s purposes and grow in a healthy way, your small groups must lead the way.

Four Reasons Why “Evangelism” Is Often Misunderstood in Churches
Why are some churches evangelistic and others are not?

No Excuses: Spark Your Church to Live on Mission
Want to ignite those you lead with a fire for the Gospel? First embrace this simple truth: It starts with you.
Related Articles: How to Spread the Gospel the Jesus Way and Everyday Evangelism for Everyone
Street Ministry Ideas: Tips for Youth Evangelism and Outreach
Street ministry ideas for youth ministry let teens put feet to their faith. Heading outside their comfort zone helps young people mature spiritually while sharing the Gospel. Through street ministry, your youth group can interact with and serve others. Engaging with the community this way might seem intimidating. But it is transformative when done with intention and preparation.