Thursday, January 06, 2005

Editorial: An Act of God?

[The Church of England Newspaper] January 6, 2004---The terrible tsunami that has devastated large parts of the Asian coastline has shaken the whole world. The huge numbers of those killed, injured or left destitute has sent shockwaves around the world, and not only because those involved came from various countries far removed from the region. The scale of the impact has been seen in the huge amounts donated quickly and spontaneously, and also in the three-minute silence that was observed across Europe on Wednesday. Here in Britain as many as 200 people lost their lives, but in Sweden that figure ran into the thousands. Those numbers are, of course, minuscule compared with the numbers of local people who were devastated in the Boxing Day disaster, but it serves to highlight that, in the words of John Donne, no man is an island.

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