Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Wheels aren’t too slow…they’re heading in the Wrong Direction


[Stand Firm] 3 Mar 2009--y eschewing discipline, the "organic" solution offered by the Communion in general, and the covenant in particular, articulates a very dangerous principle: process precedes content. TEC's doctrinal "errors", in keeping with this principle, pale in comparison to her relational transgressions. It's not that she should refrain from ordaining/consecrating non-celibate homosexual clerics because it violates scripture and tradition. It's that she should not have "run ahead". And once you dismiss the theological content of the crisis, once you empty the doctrinal content, then the way is clear to pronounce a "pox on both houses" because the "orthodox" have also "run ahead" in forming various alliances and quasi-ecclesial institutions without Communion approval. They too may be faulted for "creating facts on the ground" even though TEC might rightly deserve the bulk of the blame for doing it first.

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