Monday, February 07, 2011

Roman Catholic theologians call for end to priestly celibacy

More than 140 Catholic theologians from universities in Austria, Germany and Switzerland have called for the Church to end priestly celibacy, ordain women and allow lay people to help select bishops, among other changes.

The 143 professors said their appeal was made in response to the clergy sexual abuse scandals that surfaced in Europe last year and that they no longer could remain silent in the face of what they say is a lingering crisis within the Catholic Church.

The theologians, who also called for the Church to welcome same-sex couples and divorced and remarried couples, said their statement was issued to open a discussion about the future of the Church.

“We have the responsibility to contribute to a new start,” the statement said.

To read more, click here.

Related article: BRENTWOOD: Vicar Bob White turns his back on the Church of England

In the meantime, back at the ranch....

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