Friday, June 03, 2011

Anglican Catholic Church Re-affirms 1977 Affirmation of St Louis

The Metropolitan of the Anglican Catholic Church, the Most Rev. Mark Haverland ripped the Episcopal Church (TEC) at a Congress of Traditional Anglicans. He argued that by accepting a new liturgy, radically different from any historic Book of Common Prayer, TEC has proved to be sub-Anglican. They have done so by claiming to have the authority to alter Holy Orders by the so-called ordination of women as priests. By adopting a pro-abortion policy, the Episcopal Church has proved to be indifferent to natural law and to the lives of helpless unborn children.

"From this bundle of erroneous decisions flows everything that has since happened in the Episcopal Church," stated the Continuing Church leader.

"All the recent errors are merely elaborations of principles established in 1976, of which the chief error is the implicit claim that Anglicans have authority to alter doctrine and moral teaching," he said.

Anglicans quite correctly deny that the Bishop of Rome has the authority to add doctrines, but at least popes confine themselves to defining new developments of doctrine at the rate of about one per century. The Anglican Church of Canada and the Episcopal Church do not merely add new doctrines, but also change existing ones. Far from limiting themselves to one per century, they come up with a new enormity every year according to Haverland.

To read more, click here.

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