Saturday, June 18, 2011

Demons Deceit

King of Kings. Liar. Crutch. Alive. Irrelevant. Messiah. What words do you use to describe Jesus? In front of others and during quiet moments with yourself… who do you say He is?

Demons know exactly who He is. When Jesus encountered a demon-possessed man (Luke 8:28) they acknowledged Jesus as God and considered Him worthy of worship. But that acknowledgment of God is not something demons advertise freely.

In reality, demons vie for our attention with alluring false testimony. The lies they peddle may sound familiar because the falsehoods are often packaged and delivered to you in the form of self-doubt: “I’m not competent enough,” “No one cares,” or “I will never conquer this temptation.”

However, the very demons dispatched from the devil’s rank and file to deceive you are themselves keenly aware of the truth. They will convince you not to pray. In fact, forget praying, “America’s Got Talent” is on television tonight and you don’t want to miss it. Meanwhile, even demons submit to His word. (Luke 8:32-33)

They will tell you there is no hell, “live it up,” and there is no consequence for your sin. Yet, demons fear Jesus as Lord over the coming judgment. You may hear demons whisper, “prayer doesn’t work” and “cut corners on your faith” and “God has failed you.” Meanwhile, the Bible shows us that God expels demons and they always submit to His authority.

Have demons convinced you to live your life as a Christian in a bubble? Maybe your Christian bubble is just big enough to fit in a two-hour service on Sunday mornings. Some Christians have a more spacious bubble; your friends may know you go to church but lack understanding about a personal relationship with Jesus. Maybe you don’t talk with anyone about your faith. You’re an undercover Christian.

To read more, click here.

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