Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jesus Model for Ministry: Identification

This verse is the prayer of my heart: “We do not wish to stand in anyone’s way, nor do we wish to bring discredit on the ministry God has given us. Indeed, we want to prove ourselves genuine ministers of God.” 2 Corinthians 6:3-4 (Phillips)

As pastors, we don’t want to stand in anyone’s way. We don’t want to bring discredit to the ministries God has given us. The ministry that you have is not something you achieve, but something you’ve received. Just like your salvation is a gift, the ministry God planned for you is a gift. The apostle Paul echoes what all of us are thinking: “We want to prove ourselves genuine ministers of God”.

What kind of person do we have to be to be effective in ministry? Honestly, I didn’t do this study for your benefit. I did it for my own. I did it because more than anything else in my life, I want to be able to say when I get to heaven that I have matured into the character of Christ, but also that I ministered like Jesus.

Jesus shows us ten important characteristics that we must develop in our ministries and, over the next few weeks, I want to talk to you about the kind of life we must live in order to minister. The first is --

To read more, click here.

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