Thursday, July 12, 2012

Feedback improves new prayer book

A senior member of the Archbishop’s liturgical panel says resistance to written prayers is one of the key issues in gaining acceptance for the new prayer book.

Churches across Sydney have been ‘road-testing’ Common Prayer since it was introduced to Synod members in 2011. One of the framers of the book, retired Moore College lecturer Dr David Peterson took to the floor at the recent Georges River ministry conference as part of the feedback process before this year’s Synod is asked to commend a final version for the Diocese.

Amid complaints that prayer in churches was often inarticulate and superficial, one rector at the conference said young service leaders were reluctant to use “set prayers” because they regarded extempore praying as more heartfelt and “authentic”. Dr Peterson described the issue as crucial and part of “the implicit spirituality in our churches”, saying the solution lay not in books or training sessions but in going back to the Bible. Read more

Common Prayer Resources for gospel-shaped gatherings

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