Saturday, September 08, 2012

ACC Secretary General denies plans to establish Anglican Communion presidency

There are no plans to divest the Archbishop of Canterbury of his pan-Anglican responsibilities and transfer them to a “presidential” leader of the Anglican Communion, the secretary general of the Anglican Consultative Council, has claimed.

In a statement released on 8 September 2012, the Rev. Canon Kenneth Kearon said the claim put forward in an interview with Dr. Rowan Williams published earlier that day in the Daily Telegraph was untrue and “mischievous”.

In what was described as the final “major” interview of his archiepiscopate, the Telegraph quoted Dr. Williams as having conceded the job of archbishop could have been handled better by two men. Read more

Read also:
My job is too big for one man, says Archbishop of Canterbury
Williams reflects on decade as Archbishop of Canterbury
Anglican 'presidential' role sought

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