Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dan Delzell: When People Choose Fantasy Over God's Will

In the Garden of Eden, Eve was seduced by a fantasy. "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it." (Genesis 3:6) Her choice to pursue that fantasy rather than stick to God's will was a costly error. Adam soon followed in his wife's footsteps, and together, they learned the difference between fantasy and reality.

God's reality as revealed in His inerrant Word is the reality you should be concerned about....rather than simply relying upon your current perception. It is often said, "Perception is reality." Well….perhaps to a certain extent that is true….that is, until God's reality bursts into your reality.

Many people today are living in a fantasy world of their own making. They have seen some images online….or they have devised some grand scheme in their mind….or they are living in the trance which an illicit relationship produces....and they are charging ahead in pursuit of their fantasy. It drives them. It energizes them. But if it is outside of God's will for their life, it is going no place good. Read more

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