Thursday, November 08, 2012

Recreational marijuana passes in Colorado, Washington

Photo: United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana Nov. 6, while voters in Oregon rejected a similar proposal....

Amendment 64 in Colorado led Wednesday afternoon with 54.7 percent voting yes and 45.2 percent voting no, The Denver Post reported. The amendment will allow people age 21 and older to purchase as much as one ounce of marijuana at regulated retail stores or grow up to six marijuana plants at home. Public use of the drug will remain illegal.

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper opposed the amendment but said the voters have spoken and "we have to respect their will."

In Washington, Initiative 502 was winning 55 to 44 percent with support from more than half of the state's counties, both rural and urban, The Seattle Times reported.  Read more

Read also:
Arkansas voters reject medical marijuana
Pot town pushes back against industrial growers
Israel pushing ahead in medical marijuana industry
Smoking marijuana regularly as a teen may lower IQ scores as an adult

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