Saturday, November 10, 2012

Viewpoint: Why Justin Welby is the right man for the job

The man who has been Bishop of Durham for only one year has been appointed the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury. The Rt Rev Justin Welby was previously Dean of Liverpool and before that was a part of the reconciliation ministry of Coventry Cathedral.

The appointment of Justin Welby as Archbishop of Canterbury marks the ascendency of bold, socially engaged evangelical faith within the Church of England. In some ways Justin Welby has the background that has marked many primates of the Church before him. He studied at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge and is related to a former prime minister.

But Justin Welby is a different kind of educated gentleman from those of a previous generation. His faith is rooted in Christ who came to serve, not to rule, and while his background has opened doors, his ambitions have been for the growth of God’s kingdom, not for personal aggrandisement. Read more

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