Monday, March 04, 2013

Unconditional Love Doesn't Always Include Unconditional Acceptance

"If God really loves me, then He should accept me just the way I matter how I choose to live. After all, everyone is a sinner." Maybe you have heard someone express that sentiment, or perhaps even felt that way yourself. Let's think about that theory.

First of all, why should God's acceptance of our behavior be unconditional....while our acceptance of the behavior of our loved ones is conditional? For instance, look at all the parents who love their children unconditionally....but who do not approve of all of their behaviors. And what about all the wives and husbands who love their spouse dearly, and unconditionally, but who do not approve of certain behaviors of their spouse. Some behaviors actually jeopardize the marriage relationship. We don't question the love of those parents....or those spouses. Then why is it so easy for people to question God's unconditional love?

Our problem as sinners is that we tend to think we should be able to do whatever we feel like doing. In that sense, we are like little children. We don't always understand what is best for us....and we question whether God truly knows what is best for us. If His Word forbids something I feel like doing, then the problem must be with God's Word, right? At least that is what popular thought tends to say. "It can't be us. It can't be me. I am always right....right?" Read more
Dan Delzell is the pastor of Wellspring Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska. He is a regular contributor to The Christian Post.

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