Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Examining the basis for gay marriage's popularity

Recent polls indicate that a majority of Americans now support recognition of homosexual marriage.

In 2013 eight national polls have been conducted on the subject. The average of these surveys, according to PollingReport.com, indicates a 51 percent support for same-sex marriage.

A Pew Research Center poll, conducted in January 2010, found that only 38 percent of Americans were in support of homosexual marriage. A more recent Pew poll, released on March 29 of this year, revealed that 49 percent now support same-sex nuptials.

No matter what poll you examine, it is clear that support for homosexuality in general, and same-sex marriage in specific, has increased dramatically in recent years. The question is: why?  Read more

Also read
Jim Wallis now supports gay marriage
Jim Wallis Now Supports Same-Sex Marriage

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