Wednesday, April 10, 2013

German homeschoolers case has implications for religious freedom in America

The case of the German homeschooling family who sought refuge in the United States and now is facing a deportation fight has implications for Americans, particularly when the U.S. government has said a nation violates no one's rights if it bans homeschooling entirely.

"There are implications arising from the case that impact religious freedom for everybody and particularly the application of religious freedom to the homeschooling context," Michael Farris, chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association, told Baptist Press.

"Everyone who values religious freedom ought to be really paying attention to what's going on here because the Obama administration's position is that religious freedom is not an individual right but only a group right," Farris said. Read more

Also read
A homeschool legal case that deserves the nation's attention
The Sound of Tyranny for German Home School Family

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