Friday, April 12, 2013

SC Episcopal Bishop Sends Letters Clarifying Clergy's Standing

The provisional bishop of The Episcopal Church in South Carolina has sent out letters to an estimated 140 clergy seeking clarification as to whether or not they will be departing the denomination.

The Right Rev. Charles G. von Rosenberg, bishop of TECSC, sent out the letters to priests and deacons who had not been in attendance for the conventions held by the "continuing Episcopalians" of the South Carolina Diocese.

"I invite you to make known your allegiance to TEC and, if you wish, to request a time to speak with me about this matter," read one of the letters, according to a TECSC press release posted Thursday.

"You face a very serious decision, with significant consequences for you and for the church, and I encourage your careful and prayerful consideration." Read more

Also read
Loyalty oath demanded in South Carolina

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