Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Are Christian-Muslim Relations in East Africa Going the (Violent) Way of Nigeria?

Bombing of high-profile church service could signal Islamist surge in Tanzania.

A bomb exploded during a high-profile church service in Tanzania last Sunday, raising fears that the violence perpetrated by militant Islamists in Nigeria could be spreading to other parts of Africa.

The attack during the inaugural mass at newly built Saint Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Arusha killed two people and injured 30 others.

Morning Star News reports that "terrorist groups have not been active in Tanzania since the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in 1998, but President Jakaya Kikwete termed Sunday’s explosion a terrorist attack."

Eight people already have been arrested in connection with the blast. Officials say the motive behind the attack remains unknown, but tensions between Muslims and Christians have been high lately. Read more

Also read
10 Killed in Attack on Church, Market in Nigeria

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