Monday, May 06, 2013

Five Ways Your Church Can Use I Am a Church Member

That’s the first word that comes to my mind when I see the early reaction to I Am a Church Member. Perhaps better words would be “thank you” and “to God be the glory.”

I am both overwhelmed and humbled by the early response to my book. Current trajectory indicates that it will soon surpass my previous bestseller, Simple Church.

But enough about my sales and me. I am already getting questions about how to use this book most effectively. Of course, many have already read the brief tome on their own. But is there a context in the church that is effective for studying this book? Absolutely!

I actually wrote this book with a group context in mind. That is why I put study questions at the end of each chapter.

For now, I have five key ways to use I Am a Church Member in your congregation. The good news is that I know of different churches already using these five approaches. Read more

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