Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Small Towns … Big Possibilities: Leading our Communities to Become a Better Place to Live

Illustration by Gary Locke
Here are six keys that will enable your church to take a leadership role that will influence your community.

I heard an Ivy League professor lecture about a study he conducted of small communities. His research reflects what I observe as I travel from small town to small town meeting with pastors. He finds that in the past the family, public school, and the local church were the three foundations of a small town; with the church typically being the center of the community. His findings consistently indicate the family has splintered, the church has lost much of its influence, and the public schools remain the only foundation.

An effective church must engage in making the community a better place to live for children and their families. Pastor Robert Lewis challenges our imagination on what small churches can be like by describing your community’s response to ministry from your church.... Read more

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Kansas group tries to reverse exodus of young from rural America

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