Friday, July 05, 2013

Southwest UMC Conference Passes Resolution Supporting 'Marriage Equality'

An annual conference of the United Methodist Church has passed a resolution in support of same-sex marriage, even though the denomination officially deems homosexuality incompatible with Christianity.

The Ariz.-centered Desert Southwest Annual Conference of the UMC passed the resolution Sunday which expresses both support for same-sex marriage and for clergy who perform gay marriage ceremonies....

A group known as the "Welcoming and Reconciling Committee" presented the resolution to the Conference for consideration.

Bishop Robert Hoshibata, head of the Conference, has 30 days to rule as to whether or not the resolution is legal, given the UMC Book of Discipline's stance on homosexuality. Read more

Also read
UMC Bishop Issues Ruling Regarding Lesbian Ordination Candidate
As UMC Bishop James E. Dorff points out, "The position of the Church cannot be changed by any committee, board, annual conference, or Bishop. Only the General Conference can make such changes." How UMC Bishop Robert Hoshibita rules should be very revealing.

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