Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ed Stetzer: Why Structure is Essential for Mission: Moving to Missional Part II

Previously, we talked about the three steps needed to develop a culture of service. But that is not all you need. Culture can be a motivating factor, but if the structure you have in place doesn't affirm and encourage your culture, you may be stuck trying to restart the culture again down the road.

Remember, culture eats strategy for lunch.

However, good culture, combined with good strategy, is powerful.

Take church planting for example. I've written before about how church planting movements benefit from a simple structure that encourages reproducibility. This follows in the structural model Paul set up for the churches he planted. The goal and culture of church planting is one of reproducing the next generation of churches, pastors and planters. To accomplish this, churches and organizations must be intentional to establish structures that mesh with the culture.

Such structure is important in all churches that grow behind a few dozen members.

The structure you have in place should be an aid to the culture you are trying to produce, not a hindrance. So, how can that happen in your church? How can you implement a structure that affirms the missional culture you want to establish?

Look to provide a simple way for people to progress to the next step of service. Read more

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