Tuesday, August 20, 2013

'Hardest days we've ever witnessed' in Egypt

The wholesale looting and burning of Christian buildings in Egypt is not what grieves one Egyptian Christian leader the most. For him, the murder of a 10-year-old girl, gunned down by a Muslim militant on her way home from a Bible study, is the most grievous kind of wound inflicted by the conflict in his country.

"Those are the hardest days we've ever witnessed," the leader, who was not identified for security purposes, told Open Doors, an organization serving the persecuted church.

"The peaceful Egypt is now soaked into violence, hatred and desire [for] revenge," the leader said. Read more

Also see
Egypt's Christians Under Siege as Islamists Attack Families, Destroy Churches
Egypt at War Against Terrorists, Says Catholic Copt Leader
Egypt: Churches cancelling services for fear of attack
Egyptian Christians return to worship in church destroyed by Muslim Brotherhood
In Egyptian village, Christian shops marked ahead of church attack (+video)

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