Monday, August 19, 2013

Six Myths About Sola Scriptura

The Protestant doctrine of sola Scriptura is one of the most misunderstood doctrines I know of. The misconceptions come not only from those who repudiate the doctrine (such as Roman Catholics), but also from those who affirm it. Here is a list of some things that [are] sola Scriptura myths. Read more



Are you aware that the picture you have used is that of a Mormon edition of the Bible which in its notes is, therefore, affirming references to the various Mormon sources of authority? They are clearly visible when you enlarge the photo!
(Anglican) Bishop M.J.J. Collier, Morell, PEI, Canada

Robin G. Jordan said...

I do not check every image for minute details. I suspect most readers do not either. Finding usable images is one of the more time consuming tasks of publishing a blog. I will flag this image as a Mormon annotated Bible in my picture file. I have replaced the image with that of a facsimile version of the 1611 King James Bible open to the first page of the Book of Proverbs. Thanks for drawing this my attention.