Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Brett Eastman: 3 Steps to Making Your Small Group Dreams Come True

So many of us have been there—you wake up in the middle of the night feeling pulled toward starting a small group ministry at your church. But by morning you still have no clue how to go about it.

I’ll tell you this: If you’re a pastor wondering how to go about launching a small group ministry, start by asking yourself, “Is a small group ministry something I truly value and can excite others with?” This is crucial because values manifest themselves not in your belief system but in your behavior. If your hands and feet are not sitting somewhere where you are sharing, it will be difficult for you to have conviction about the ministry from the pulpit, in your Sunday school class or in your own small group.

Then you should ask yourself, “Do I really believe in doing life together?” Here’s what I mean by this: Pastors and teachers often have trouble understanding and appreciating the value of small group ministry because they are used to telling people what to do versus talking about what they should do. Telling people what to do in community versus doing life in community is night and day. Whether or not the pastor feels the need for community doesn’t change the fact that there is a need. And if you build it, they will come. Keep reading

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