Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Andrew Lisi: 5 Reasons to Open Your Blinds

There is a small, seemingly insignificant way we as the family of God can start to be missional in our own communities. It starts with opening our blinds. 

My wife Stacy and I recently got the number of some of our neighbors in the triplex where we live. We first invited them out for ice cream, and they weren’t down. But we knew the second time would be a no-brainer decision for them because Stacy was making Chicago-style deep-dish pizza. Only fools turn that down.

They came over that Saturday night. It was nice to use the TV as a radio, playing some sweet jazz in the background as we talked. Early on in the conversation we talked about how great it was to have them over and to live in the triplex, because it is great to have some interaction. They had been living there a bit longer than we had, but they shared how they didn’t have any interaction with anyone else in the triplexes yet. They don’t know the people who live below them.
Our neighbors actually loved our music, heard our singing and laughing, and were impacted.
Then they told us something amazing. They were excited when we moved in because we opened our blinds! Stacy not only opens the blinds, but will retract them to bring light into the apartment and provide a feel of openness in the home. They loved it. Not only that, but they said they felt the freedom to start opening their blinds, as every other unit keeps their blinds closed at all time.

Then as I thought about it more, I could see how this had also impacted our neighbors in our old house. We would keep windows open and play music. Our neighbors actually loved our music, heard our singing and laughing, and were impacted. We are still friends with the couple who used to live below us, and Stacy has had great gospel conversations with the wife.

Who’d have thought having our blinds and windows open would have such an impact? This is just a small way we as the family of God can start to be missional in our own communities. This is a seemingly insignificant way for you to open up your life to your neighbors so that you can build friendships and share the gospel with them.

Is it that simple? Yes. Here are five reasons why..... Keep reading

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