Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Carey Nieuwhof: 7 Fresh Ways for Every Church Leader to Think About Money

If you’re going to be effective in ministry, you have to become comfortable talking about money.

Few church leaders I know are.

Here Come the Bullets 

It’s been a struggle for me too. You take a few bullets when you talk about money, even when you speak about it as earnestly, biblically and honestly as you know how.

But talk about it you must. Especially if you want to have a vibrant ministry in the future.

But if you don’t talk about it, you will likely remain broke as a ministry, and chances are so will the people you lead. The message of our culture leads people to overextension on things that matter little in the end, and often end up dissolving families (see below).

It’s Not Hopeless…Really

I know what it’s like to lead with very meager resources as well as what it’s like to lead with more.

When I began in ministry 18 years ago, three small churches called me to be their pastor.

The annual budget for one of the churches was $4000. No, there are no missing zeros. (And I’m not making that up.) Added together, the budget of all three churches was under $50,000 for the year. The doors were almost closing.

But seeing resources freed up for ministry has made a big difference. Nearly 2000 people call our church home, and we see almost 1000 of them every weekend. Today our church is vibrant, healthy and alive (so thankful for that.)

7 Different Ways For Every Church Leader to Think About Money 

So how do you talk about money? And why should you talk about this subject so many leaders avoid?

Here are 7 ways to have the conversation. Keep reading

Also see
Why Year-End Giving Is a Good Thing

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