Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Church of England makes Sunday worship more accessible with new app

The Church of England has released a new free app to help more people follow Sunday services using their mobile devices.

'Sunday Worship' presents the full Bible readings for the main church service, along with the Collect and post-Communion prayers for the week in a simple, easy to follow format for use on iPhones and iPads.

The launch of the app follows that of two others published to support and engage congregations. 'Reflections for Daily Prayer', which offers daily Bible readings, prayer and inspiration, was released on 28 November, and 'The Lectionary' is now available as an app, Kindle e-book or printed booklet. It provides clergy and worship leaders with vital information such as Bible readings and full details of feast days.

The apps have been developed by the official publisher of the Church of England, Church House Publishing, alongside Aimer Media. Keep reading

Photo: Christchurch, Bushmead

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