Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The New City Catechism iPad App Review (and Why It’s Worth Your Time)

2013 is drawing to a close and so is my journey with Heidi through 52 weeks of the New City Catechism. At this writing, we’re on question 51 of this free Christian education app for iPad, a joint project of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC, and The Gospel Coalition. We’ve enjoyed many conversations as rich as the aroma of our local Starbucks where we meet each Sunday morning before church. Heidi generally orders a bagel or a Chai Tea Latte; I stick with my Americano.

Why would I take time for such an old-fashioned sounding thing as teaching a catechism? I’m glad you asked!

I’ll respond in the classic question/answer format of a catechism. Keep reading

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