Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Jmes P Long: The Genius of the Church

Agile by design, the church was born to innovate.

That is its nature. And how could it not be? It was inaugurated as a cross-cultural, intergenerational movement intended to circle the world and span the ages. It carries its timeless message to all people, to the ends of the earth and to the outer edge of time.

Think about it.

We may expect Christ’s return in our generation, as others have in theirs. But 20 centuries have come and gone, nations have risen and fallen, accumulated knowledge has exploded. Today bears little resemblance to yesterday—except, despite all that is constantly changing, and despite our personal differences, our cultural differences, our generational differences, we are all essentially the same, and the church meets us with a perennial message and a never-thinning hope. Keep reading

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