Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Pointers for Pastors and Lay Preachers - Seven Articles

Trevin Wax: Four Reasons to Preach the Bible as One Story

There has been a much-needed resurgence of preaching the Bible as one storyline lately. But what’s the big deal? Why is it so important for Christians to be able to connect the dots of the Bible’s grand narrative? Here are four reasons I list in my latest book, Gospel-Centered Teaching.... Keep reading

Steven Lawson: Preaching the Wrath of God

The Genevan Reformer John Calvin said, “Preaching is the public exposition of Scripture by the man sent from God, in which God Himself is present in judgment and in grace.” Faithful pulpit ministry requires the declaration of both judgment and grace. The Word of God is a sharp, two-edged sword that softens and hardens, comforts and afflicts, saves and damns. Keep reading

Marc Cortez: Don’t Outsource Your Sermon Prep

We’ve all experienced that “back against the wall” scenario: a week that didn’t go as planned—crises appearing from nowhere as crises are most likely to do—and study time set aside in the face of more urgent tasks. Now exhausted and distracted, you sit at your desk staring at a stubbornly incomplete sermon. You may even begin to wonder if people will notice whether you just rehash a sermon you preached a few years back. Change the title and some key illustrations and surely they won’t notice. Right? Keep reading

Wayne McDill: Seven Advantages of Inductive Bible Study

Approaching a text inductively calls for openness to the data in the text. It requires us to suspend judgment about the text’s message and let it speak. Of course no preacher comes to a text without any pre-understandings. We already have theological knowledge. We have knowledge of Scripture. We come with our theological traditions informing us as to the basics of Christian doctrine. Since we cannot just “unknow” all this, we must intentionally set it aside and approach the text with as much openness and objectivity as we can muster. Keep reading

Phil Cooke: Know Your Audience: It Matters More Than You Think

lt has never been enough to simply “preach the gospel” while ignoring the context and background of your audience. Keep reading

Is Your Body Language Hurting Your Preaching?

Like it or not, preaching is affected by far more than just your words.

The best preachers don’t just preach with their lips, but with their whole body. Keep reading

 Bob Smietna: Who Owns the Pastor's Sermon?

Church or pastor? When sermons become books that make millions in royalties, the answer is important. Keep reading

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