Thursday, May 01, 2014

5 Telling Questions You Should Ask If Your Church Isn’t Growing

Chances are you didn’t get into leadership to see your church stop accomplishing its mission.

One of the primary missions of the local church is to reach new people with Christ’s love, which, naturally, implies growth.

But almost every church (and almost every organization) faces seasons in which growth stops. Some haven’t seen growth in years…or decades.

I was on a call with some leaders this week from a large growing church who told me that last year was the first time in 15 years they hadn’t grown. They’re addressing it and are back on track, but it was a tough year.

I can relate. I have been in church leadership for 19 years. We seen growth almost every year (the majority of which has been from previously unchurched people), but there were two periods in which we stalled out. Those are tough seasons for leaders.
What was effective before has stopped being effective now

A malaise sets in that’s difficult to describe

As a leader, you’re not exactly sure how to get things back on track
Ideally you’d be asking questions before you hit a slump, but life isn’t that simple, is it?

So if you’re in a slump or see one coming, what do you do? Keep reading

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