Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Your Social Media Strategy: 10 Questions to Answer

1. What is the purpose of your organization, blog or product?
Know who you are and what you are going to be putting out there before you press forward with social media. Maybe you are investing too much in social media when you don’t even know your mission. Defining this is simply good business practice.

2. What will be the purpose of using social media?
Know why you are using each specific network. Otherwise you’ll lack direction. Know the end goal. If it’s to market, then define that. But realize that social media has the ability to do more than getting out the details of your church. You can create a brand, community and place to get opinions and other resources from your viewers.

3. Who is your audience?
If you are a church in a small town, Facebook may be the perfect place for you. If you are a large church in a big city, you may need to make sure you are present in several networks. Defining this allows you to not waste too much time in the wrong places. This may also take some researching on your part. Survey your current customers as well as new ones. Keep reading

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