Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Why a national denomination?

The question of whether denominations are really necessary often arises in my Baptist History and Heritage classes. Averse to what they perceive as staid institutionalism or red-tape bureaucracy, students tend to categorize denominations as a generational matter and thus look for something new for the present.

These motives are not entirely uninformed or born from ignorance as there are plenty of generational traditions that every new generation discards. We've done it and so did our parents and grandparents.

However, in this case it is always a delight to inform students of the primary reason Baptists in this country ever saw the need to form a national denomination. They were motivated by something they called their "one sacred effort" -- churches of all sizes cooperating together for the purpose of global missions. And, I quickly argue, that is the foremost reason why we should have, support, build and be proud of a national denomination today. Keep reading
Why was your denomination formed? What is its main purpose? If mobilizing its member churches in the service of the gospel is its main purpose on paper, how well is it fulfilling that purpose in practice? What main purpose is it actually fulfilling? 

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