Monday, September 04, 2017

3 Shortcuts Leaders Should Never Take

In a culture that values instant everything and struggles waiting for anything, shortcuts are all the rave. Hack has even become a buzzword for taking shortcuts, maximizing time, and getting things done more quickly. “Hack your schedule.” “Hack your calendar.” “Hack your leadership meeting.” “Hack your life.”

I am not against all hacking as some shortcuts are, of course, helpful and beneficial. For example, if a work process could be executed in four steps without losing any quality, then there is no need to make it six. By all means, take that shortcut. But there are some shortcuts leaders should never take. And we must be careful that our obsession with efficiency does not steer us away from effectiveness. Much of effective leadership takes time and offers no shortcuts. Here are three areas in which leaders should never take shortcuts.... Read More

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