Friday, November 17, 2017

Five Things to Keep in Mind When Preaching This Week

Most pastors rightly focus on three things related to the weekend’s worship gatherings: prayer, preparing the sermon, and preparing themselves. These things are absolutely necessary for the preacher. Other things can be delegated; these cannot.

When it comes to preaching the sermon, we think about the text, do the exegesis, do as much language study as we can, think about the introduction, conclusion, and application. We pray for “thus saith the Lord.” For the preacher, the 30-45 minutes of sermon time are the most valuable of the week for instructing the congregation.

We cannot afford to be haphazard in our preparation. There is a quite literal target audience: the people to whom we will preach. We do not preach in a vacuum, so let us not approach the weekend as if it is a moonscape. Everything we do to prepare should be done with the following in mind.... Read More

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