
Friday, December 07, 2018

Friday's Catch: The Faith of President George H. W. Bush and More

The altar at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Houston
A Look at the Faith of President George H.W. Bush

Bush was an Episcopalian whose faith was both steady and understated. Read More
As a lifelong Episcopalian, Bush was hesitant to talk openly about his Christian faith. Asked whether he had been “born again,” he said, “If by ‘born again’ one is asking, ‘Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?’ then I could answer a clear-cut ‘Yes.’ No hesitancy, no awkwardness.” If the question, though, were whether there had been “one single moment, above any others, in which your life has been instantly changed then I can’t say that this has happened, since there have been many moments.” - From "9 Things You Should Know About George H. W. Bush (1924–2018)"
How to Leverage Podcasting to Reach New People

As more than a few observers have said, with the explosion of audiobooks and podcasting we’re currently in the middle of a shift in which listening is emerging as the new reading. Read More
While shopping earlier today at a local Walmart, I encountered a robot moving leisurely up and down the grocery aisles and taking inventory. I also encountered a human worker loading bins for pickup by customers who had ordered groceries online. It was a stark reminder that we now live in the 21st century.
Pastor: What to Pray When Your Ministry Is on the Line

Before you can legitimately call on the Lord to “show these people that I’m your servant,” you might want to go back and ask yourself three questions. Read More

7 Staggering Things God Does When We Pray for One Another

In his word, God commands believers to pray for one another. Read More

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Scriptural Prayers for All Situations

God has given us prayer as a means of communication with Him. God’s Word has given us multiple illustrations that one kind of prayer does not fit all instances. Read More

Children Abusing Children: Children's Mercy Sees Dangerous Trend Involving Children and Porn

Children's Mercy says they're seeing a disturbing trend in child sexual assault cases. Children are abusing children. Read More
While sex play is not unusual in young children in the same age range, what is described in this article is the sexual abuse and exploitation of younger girls, age range 4 to 8, by older boys, age range 11 to 15. The girls are several years away from the age that most children show signs of puberty while the boys have entered puberty. The correlation between sexual abuse and exploitation and pornography is well-documented but in these studies the perpetrator were adults.


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