
Saturday, December 08, 2018

Saturday Lagniappe: Bad Religion and More

Bad Religion—How 3 American Heresies Impact Missions at Home and Abroad

“America’s problem isn’t too much religion, or too little of it. It’s bad religion: the slow-motion collapse of traditional Christianity and the rise of a variety of destructive pseudo-Christianities in its place.” Read More

Poor Interpretation Lets Us “Believe” the Bible While Denying What It Actually Says

As people respond to my books, ask questions, and state opinions through emails and social media, I’m struck with how many say they believe the Bible, but their interpretations are so out of line with credible biblical meanings that their profession of confidence in Scripture becomes meaningless, and even dangerous. Not only is this happening more frequently today, it’s also being accepted as normal. Read More

3 Ways Pastors Can Engage Congregants' Minds

Instead of merely lamenting on social media about the current state of theology, pastors should be springing into action. Read More

5 Thought Patterns That Hurt Your Leadership

The scary thing is that it’s relatively easy to lead without sufficient thinking in the short term. But that never works over the long haul. Read More

Themelios 43.3

The new December 2018 issue of Themelios is online. Among the articles is an editorial by D. A. Carson on the changing meaning of words. Download or Read Online

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