Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: Seven Massive Changes Dramatically Shaping Our Churches and More

Seven Massive Changes Where Churches Must Respond

These seven massive changes are dramatically shaping our churches today. Read More

How to Talk to Your Kids about Sexual Abuse

Talking to children about difficult topics can be terrifying for parents, yet such conversations must take place. We cannot act like our world is not fallen and in need of redemption. There are evil people in the world that intend to do harm to others. If we are going to love our neighbors as ourselves (which must necessarily include the children that God has entrusted to us), then we must also warn them about evil in age-appropriate ways. Read More
For more information on child sexual abuse, read this article and similar articles on PubMed Central.
Celebrating Small but Significant Churches

When small churches are true to what they are and what they have been called to do, they too can make a big impact. Read More

The Church Multiplication Challenge

Across the United States, in churches of all shapes and sizes, God is breathing new life into his people as increasing numbers of leaders embrace the kingdom call to not just grow, but to reproduce and multiply. Read More

5 Ways to Ruin Your Meetings

Avoid these five failures, and you give yourself a better chance of success as you lead your team to greater productivity and efficiency. Read More

The Heart of the Gospel: Penal Substitutionary Atonement: August 2019

The latest edition of 9Marks Journal is online. Read Online or Download

What Sins of Ministry are You Killing Today?

Another question I sometimes ask people in ministry, the right context, is: ‘What sins of ministry are you killing today?’ Read More
Also see "What Sins are You Killing Today?"
7 Ways Preaching Bad Sermons Can Help You Preach Better Sermons

There will be times when you feel uninspired, unprepared and empty. Preach anyway. Read More

3 Reasons to Preach the Psalms

I’m far from an expert on preaching, let alone qualified to tell other preachers what to do. However, I’d like to offer three reasons I think you can and should preach through the Psalms, not around them. Read More

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