
Friday, October 04, 2019

Friday's Catch: Community Engagement Basics and More

Five Key Reasons Many Churches Struggles to Reach Their Communities [Podcast]

The local church is responsible for engaging the community. Many churches today are declining because they are too inward focused. In this podcast Thom and Sam Rainer discuss the basics of engaging the community and neighborhoods around the church. Listen Now

You’re Allowed To Care About One Thing Without Campaigning For Everything

Saying “no” to some good things so you can say "yes" to other good things is an essential step in being effective. Read More

7 Myths the Church Believes about Sexual Abuse

J.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and lead pastor of The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina, points out seven widely believed myths that keep the church from engaging the sexual abuse crisis—and prevent leaders from protecting people from abuse and making their church a refuge for abuse survivors. Read More
What myths does your church believe? What are you going to do about it?
What to Say When Someone Dies (And What Not to Say)

Many people struggle with what to say when someone dies. Read More

3 Questions to Help You Apply the Bible to Today

We must preach the biblical text to the point that people see how it comes to bear on their lives today. If we fail to do this, we have failed to preach. Read More

Make a Joyful Silence Unto the Lord

Why quiet is essential to corporate worship. Read More

How TikTok Holds Our Attention

On the popular short-video app, young people are churning through images and sounds at warp speed, repurposing reality into ironic, bite-size content. Read More

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