Saturday, December 21, 2019

Bethel Church Leader Prophesies President Trump's Reelection

On the heels of President Trump's impeachment The Christian Post published an article on its website reporting on the claim by Kris Vallotton, senior associate leader of Bethel Church and co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California, that God has revealed to him that President Trump will win reelection despite his impeachment. For those readers who may not be familiar with the Bethel Church Movement. I have posted links to four Gospel Coalition articles on that movement below.

What caught my attention was Kris Vallotton's interpretation of Scripture. It is a version of the "new Cyrus" view of President Trump that is popular in charismatic and evangelical circles in his base. In this view President Trump is the "new Cyrus" who, like King Cyrus of the Bible, God will use to restore Jerusalem. This is not the only view of President Trump that may be encountered in these circles but it is not an uncommon one. In the case of President Trump it is not Jerusalem but the United States that God will use the "new Cyrus" to restore to its former greatness. The United States is seen as God's chosen nation, a view that can be traced to the doctrine of manifest destiny which was used to justify US expansionism in the nineteenth century. It is a view that, while it has no Biblical support, resonates with many Americans.

Historically Anglicans have taken very seriously John's admonition: " not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God." The Forty-Nine Articles explicitly and the Thirty-Nine Articles implicitly rejects special revelation whatever form that it make take. The sixteenth century Anabaptists appealed to special revelation when contradicting or misinterpreting the Bible in their teaching. They elevated the authority of special revelation above that of the Holy Scriptures. The Bible also warns against prophets who make prophesies to please others or to serve their own ends. Anglicans also have taken this warning with the same kind of seriousness.

President Trump may avoid removal from office and win reelection to the White House. Whether that will be a good thing is something on which the people of the United States are deeply divided.

A lot can happen in the next few weeks. Whatever happens, I believe that it is presumptuous to conclude that we know God's purpose for permitting it to happen.

The Old Testament tells us that the people of Israel wanted a king. They were not satisfied with God as their ruler. God granted them what they wished. At the same time he warned them about the dangers of having a human ruler. No good would come from it. That indeed would be the case. It is a theme that runs throughout the Old Testament.

Among the lessons that we can learn from what happened to the people of Israel is how easily a people can go astray when those in positions of highest authority in the land do what seems right in their own eyes and do not walk in God's ways. It is a lesson that we do well to heed. Whomever we vote for, whatever their party affiliation, whatever they claim to stand for, their character and conduct matters.

As our Lord himself told the multitude, "Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit." (Matthew 7:16-18, ESV)

The character and conduct of individuals and the impact they are having upon others, both directly and indirectly, is very revealing into the kind of fruit that they likely to bear. This extends to the kind of political environment that may surface during their candidacy and tenure of office. When evaluating the kind of fruit that they are producing, we must consider the larger picture and not just those few things that may meet our approval. We must also consider the long-term impact.

Related Articles:
9 Things You Should Know About the Bethel Church Movement
Should We Use Bethel Songs in Worship? 4 Diagnostic Questions
Can Any Christian Learn How to Do Miracles?
God’s Spirit or Human Hysteria? My Time Among the Charismatics .

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