Tuesday, January 07, 2020

4 Ideas for Invigorating Your Student Ministry

Student ministry is a unique calling. Finding people who genuinely love teenagers is like finding needles in a haystack.

Those “needles” live in the thick of teenage drama, attitude, passion, and excitement—all the while pointing students toward Jesus and helping them make choices that are in line with God’s purpose for them.

There’s a difference between having a class for this age group and having adults who deeply care: Care about how they make decisions, not just keep them from drugs and alcohol.

Care about their spiritual growth, not just gather a big student group. Care about the deep things in their hearts and help direct them to use those passions for the Kingdom of God.

Whether you or someone else in your congregation or on your staff is that a needle in that haystack, here are a few steps your church can take to create an environment where young disciples can mature in Christ. Read More

Also See:
Who Should Disciple Children?

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