Thursday, January 02, 2020

Vision Casting for Children’s Ministry Leaders: What It Is and How to Do It

Vision casting for children’s ministry leaders is not optional. You’ve heard me say this over and over again. “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time!” I believe you’ll never see your dreams and vision come to pass without a clear understand of where you are going, why you want to go there and how are you to get there.

Vision is important. Every Christian leader knows by heart “Where there’s no vision people perish.” I like to say it this way, “Where there is vision people flourish.” I think in every list I have ever come up with in one of my leadership club lessons, it’s started with…“Start with your vision.” To me, a vision identifies how you want your ministry to end up. With this in mind in children’s ministries, there is a vision in each age group or ministry that makes up the overall vision.

Vision casting is simply communicating the vision so others make your vision their own. Why is this so important? Vision determines action and outcome. Read More

Also See:
Vision Casting: The Best Leaders Give Vision Away
A VBS Planning Timeline for 2015
3 Things Every Pastor Needs to Clearly Communicate Their Vision

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