Friday, January 03, 2020

What To Do About Grace: 4 Down-To-Earth Suggestions

"She said to me, 'You expected a lot from us, and I never felt I could meet those expectations.' These comments have haunted me."

Preaching with grace is an approach to the task of preaching that preachers would be wise to consider.

You may have wondered how you came across to your listeners as you preached on difficult passages. I remember Ben approached me following a sermon on Psalm 100. He said, "Your preaching is too Calvinistic for me." He continued, "After I've heard you preach, I leave the sanctuary discouraged."

While visiting a church I had served, Harriet confessed to me, "You expected a lot from us, and I never felt I could meet those expectations." These comments have haunted me in my sermon preparation as well as in the actual preaching itself. What does it mean to preach with grace? After reflecting on this question for some time, I intend to encourage you with what I've learned. Read More

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